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Ranboo's pov

     We were in my car, on the way to Tubbo's interview. I was driving with Tubbo staring out the window beside me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his stare shift from the window to me, and I went red.

     "I'm so nervous." He said after staring for a moment more. He looked distraught. He was so ador- Why do I keep thinking like that!? Tubbo is probably straight anyway.

     "I'm sure you'll do great at the interview" I reassured him. "Bad and Skeppy are both really nice, so you have nothing to worry about.

     "Are those to co-owners?" Tubbo asked. He seemed to get distracted really easily.

     "Yeah," I said, thinking about the way Bad and Skeppy act together. "and I think that they're more than that, but they don't say it."

    Tubbo's eyes shifted nervously from side to side. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been staring into them, unable to look away.

     "Hey um- Are we friends?" Tubbo asked. He was very quiet, and it caught me a bit off guard.

     All of the sudden, I felt unnecessarily anxious. I responded, "I don't know, do you want to be friends?"

Tubbo's pov

     As Ranboo said this, I felt my face go red. God do my emotions have the worst timing.

     "Y-yes." I managed to stutter out quietly. I can't even speak around Ranboo without messing up. How am I ever going to be able to tell him how I feel?

    "Then yes," Ranboo said with newfound confidence. "We are friends."

     We pulled into a parking space at the bakery and got out of the car. As we walked towards the entrance, side by side, I felt the urge to grab Ranboo's hand. I remembered how he reacted to me hugging him and quickly shoved any idea of holding his hand out of my mind.

     We walked into the bakery together, and as we entered, a man quite a bit taller than me, but not as tall as Ranboo, with fluffy light brown hair and glasses on, greeted Ranboo.

     "Hi, Ranboo." The man said. He had an American accent sort of like Ranboo's. "I'm going to guess your Tubbo then. It's great to meet you. My name is BadBoyHalo, but you can call me Bad."

     "Hello Bad. It's nice to meet you as well." I replied. Ranboo was right, he did seem pretty nice.

     Suddenly another American accent was audible calling "Oh, are they here?" from behind the door that was slightly open behind the counter.

     "Yeah" Bad called back to the other man's voice. What was his name? Skelly? Skippy? No, it was Skeppy.

     We finished up introducing ourselves and Bad invited me to come back to his office while Ranboo waited in the dining area.

    "Hi, Tubbo," Bad said. He was sitting in a chair across from mine, with a desk separating us.


     "Let's begin. Do you have any experience cooking and/or baking?" Bad asked, holding a pencil close to a notebook he had just set in front of himself.

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