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Tubbo's pov

After we were finished eating, Ranboo put on his mask, then stood up and took my hand. We threw away our trash and walked towards the exit. I had been nervous about my brother the entire time, but it was all for nothing.

"Tubbo, will you come over here?" Said a familiar voice.

I looked at Ranboo, who nodded. I turned around an looked at my brother, who was holding hands with Alex.

"Tubbo. This is my boyfriend, Alex." He said happily. He wasn't even a little bit mad. Why was I so worried?

"Hello Alex!" I said cheerily. "I'm Tubbo." I looked at Ranboo, signaling him to introduce himself.

"Hello. I'm Ranboo."

"It's nice to meet you two!" Alex said happily.

     "It's nice to meet you as well." I said. I looked at Ranboo. "We should probably be going now though."

     We said our goodbyes and walked out to the car. Ranboo took off his mask and looked at me. "See, you had nothing to worry about."

"I guess not-"

     The car ride was a quiet one, but not an uncomfortable quiet. It was nice after our eventful afternoon.


This is an end to the filler content, I just didn't want to skip a full like four months


Ranboo's pov

I was crying. It took me a minute to remember why. Tubbos parents were fine with Tubbo being pan, they just didn't like me. Tubbo had thought about what they said, and decided he agreed. He broke up with me. That's why I was here. I told him I was okay with it and went back to America early. I had sobbed on the plane and walked the entire distance to home from the airport. I avoided talking to Aimsy and Billzo, not wanting them to know I had come home early. I sat on my floor and continued to sob. What had I said wrong to upset his parents? Was it just because of who I am? Maybe it was the mask? I don't know, but whatever it was I had done wrong, it was the biggest mistake I had ever made.

Tubbo's pov

     We're on the plane! Finally! I was sitting next to Ranboo, who was sound asleep. He didn't look peaceful, he looked stressed. He had been fretting over everything lately. He was worried about going on the plane, about being in a new place, about meeting my parents, and about doing things wrong. If only he understood how perfect he is. I know he can't stop worrying, it's just in his nature, but it still makes me sad to see him like this.

After a bit of the plane ride, I looked over at Ranboo, still asleep, but tears were streaming down his face. I quickly began trying to wake him up. I grabbed his hand and said "Boo, it's okay, it's okay, wake up. Whatever it is isn't real. You'll be alright, just wake up."

He opened his teary eyes and looked at me with worry, but then a wave of relief hit him. He pulled me into a hug. "Tubbo... I don't want to loose you."

     "You won't, Boo. You won't. It was just a dream. Whatever it was will never happen." I held him close in the hug for a minute before we let go.

     I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back weakly before looking out the window. It was starting to get late. I felt my eyes getting heavy. I leaned my head against him and he put an arm around me, making sure I was comfortable.

Ranboo's pov

     Tubbo slept for the rest of the trip. He looked so peaceful. He is so sweet, and he worries about almost nothing. I don't understand it, but at least he doesn't have to be constantly bombarded by concerns and bad outcomes like I am.

When the plane was prepping for landing I gently shook Tubbo awake. He opened his eyes and looked at me excitedly. I smiled back, trying to seem as if I wasn't mentally panicking.

     We got off the plane and met back up with Techno, Wilbur, and Alex, who were seated in a different part of the plane.

"Enjoy the flight, first timers?" Wilbur asked Me and Alex, who had never been on a plane before.

"I course! I spent it with you." Alex said, grabbing Wilburs hand.

"It was alright." I said, glancing around to look for the luggage area. I was taller then the rest of the people so I spotted it easily. "Over here"

We walked over and grabbed our luggage. I took Tubbos and mine, to his disappointment.

"Why don't I get to take your bags?" He complained.

"Because you'll just steal my hoodies" I said as an excuse to keep his luggage.

"No I won'ttttttt" he whined, forgetting he was currently in one of my hoodies.

"Then what is it your wearing?" The others were a bit in front of us, engaged in their own conversation. They weren't bothered by mine and Tubbo's bickering. We are on our way out of the airport to find a taxi.

"Uhhh" He looked down at the hoodie he was wearing and sighed. "You got me. I do like steeling your hoodies, but I won't this time! Just give me the bags!"

I looked down at him, slightly exaggerating the amount I had to tilt my head. "How will you carry them all?" I had two decently large backpacks on, one on each arm, and two large suit cases dragging behind me.

     We bickered for a bit longer, but I ended up keeping the bags. We ended up taking two taxis. Wilbur and Alex went in one, while me, Tubbo, and Techno went in the other. Soon enough, we pulled up in front of a decently large house. There were two people, those who I assumed to be Tubbo's parents, standing outside waiting for us.

     I feel the awful feeling of anxiety bubble up inside me more then it already had.

Hello again! This is a quick thank you to everyone reading this. Thank you guys so much for your support! Have a great day/night/whatever time it may be!

Love you platonically readers!

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