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Cory stood there not sure what to say or do. Kelly had just walked off to her car and drove off. Cory knew the woman's history. He figured he should look into everyone who knew Dominic before he came to Chicago.

Cory hated being here. He had a history here. It brought back memories he never wanted, but he had to push through. He was here for one reason and one reason only.

He needed to finish what he was sent here to do. Taking over the Alex Gordon case was step one. Which still hadn't been fully successful, because Dominic had protested against the idea of the FBI taking over case that they have no jurisdiction over.

It is more of a battle between jurisdictions. Of course, Dominic was right. The FBI had no right to take over the case. The Alex Gordon case was interesting.

The van that the guys used was found but it had been torched, a body inside. The FBI's forensic team had been tearing the van apart, to find anything.


Lexi sat quietly in her living room watching the news. She had coffee in one hand and her cell phone in the other. Waiting for Dominic to text her. He had gotten a lead on Alex Gordon's death and he told her he'd call her as soon as he checked it out.

She didn't know the details. Just that it sounded promising. She hoped it would lead him to Alex's killer. The man who killed Alex, killed so many other innocent people. And he needed to be caught and held accountable for his actions.

The woman also accepted the possibility that whoever did it, wouldn't be caught. It was a possibility. But she knew that Dominic would get whoever it was.

The FBI had been some helpful. She had an off feeling about Cory but brushed it off as him just doing his job as an agent.

She had worked many times along side the FBI when getting a story. They all acted the same. Content, professional, and didn't let their personal lives get in the way of their jobs. She admired them for that.


Danny put the handcuffs on the last guy and walked over to Dominic, who was discussing a few things to Cory.

The tip they got was from someone on the inside. The reason Alex had been killed was because he gotten too close to a case.

The inside man, didn't tell details. Just where they could find the men who killed Alex. Dominic and Danny had sighed in relief when they got the tip. It had taken them weeks to try and find something.

The body they had found didn't give much clues. He had been beaten and tortured. Before being burned. They didn't figure out what lead to the death of the young man.

Unfortunately, they couldn't identify him. No one would know he was gone.

"Last guy is booked and headed back to the station." Danny told the two.

Cory nodded. "I'll need to ask them all a few questions. But great work gentleman."

Danny smiled and shared a look with Dominic.
"Anything you guys need." Dominic told the agent. "Glad this is put to rest and that Lexie can have that satisfaction."

Cory agreed. "She seems like a lovely woman."

"She is." He replied. "I'll call and tell her the news as soon as I get back to the station."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 12 ⏰

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