Start from the beginning

My eyes were on him, immediately.
How could it be any different?
When he entered a room, everyone looked.
I didn't know if it was for his height, his wide shoulders, that flawless face or the fact that he was so popular in school.

When I felt his eyes wandering to mine, I quickly looked down on my hands, which were placed on my lap.
I got back into my reality.
My reality, which wasn't as flawless as Erling was.
It was dark.
Very dark and scary for me.
I had no idea how to get to the party or how to get back home without Brody knowing.
Neither did I think, that that was even possible.
So, should I risk it?
Should I just pretend like I didn't care and just go to that party?

Speaking of party.
Was there a chance that Erling was going to be there?
Would it want that?

My thoughts got interrupted once again.
But this time, not by his looks but by his voice.
I turned my head to my left where he sat next to me and looked at me.
"H-hey." Nervously I answered.

"So, I see you survived my ride." He grinned.

"What?" Perplexed, I looked at him.
"On my motorcycle." He said, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"Oh." I realized.
"Yeah, I did." I bit my lip and looked down.
"It wasn't as bad as you thought, huh?"
I looked back up to him and slowly shook my head.
"But, I still don't like it."

He quietly grinned to himself. "If you say so."

I noticed my heart beating faster, the more seconds passed talking to him.
"Good morning."
Mr. Miller interrupted Erling and me, and the whole class and started paying attention to our teacher.
I looked at Erling for one last time, before turning my head straight ahead and concentrating on class.
In the corner of my eye, I could feel Erling's eyes laying on me for quite a bit before he turned his head straight ahead, as well.

Once he did, I felt my heart beating normal again.
Why did the way he looked at me make me so nervous?
I've never felt so nervous around anyone, except when it was about fear.
That I've felt tons.

Once the first two lessons were done, I gathered my stuff, put it in my bag and left class with Gaby.
We walked downstairs into the cafeteria where we met up with Branda and Garrett.
All of them were hyped for the party, while I was only thinking about the consequences.
I didn't have the courage to talk myself out of it, so I had to go to the party.
Even though, It meant punishment.
But, everyday was like punishment to me.
Nothing was different this time.

Once the break was over, Gaby and I walked upstairs to our lockers.
Hers was a little further than mine, so our ways parted.
I opened my locker and put some books in it, before getting one out of it.
When I closed the locker again, I turned around and went towards the classroom.
Suddenly, a familiar face appeared and stopped me from walking, by positioning himself right in front of me.
"You, again." The guy, whom I had a bad encounter with on my first day, said.
If I recalled correctly, his name was Miles.
That's what Erling called him.

I didn't know whether I should answer or not.
No matter what I would have said, he might take it wrong.
"Lost your voice? Or do you need your superhero Erling to talk?"
I swallowed.
He was right.
I did not dare to talk to him, at all.
He was scary through his whole appearance.
Wearing completely black, ripped clothes and the way him and his boys walked around this school.
They just didn't seem like the normal high school kids.
More like bullies.
But more and more it seemed like bullies were the 'normal' high school kids.

"Don't stare at me, talk to me, bitch. Im all ears."
He said with a raised voice.
I felt memories coming up, just like my tears.
"L-let me pass." With a fragile voice I spoke.

"I can't understand you."
He smirked.
"I make you fucking understand, asshole."
A sudden, deep voice made me look behind Miles.
There was Erling walking towards us and grabbing Miles by his shirt, only to push him away from us.
"Don't you have anything better to do than fuckin' bullying people?" He said, looking at him with anger.
Miles smirked and didn't answer his question.
Instead, he wanted to walk right back to me, but Erling immediately stepped in front of me and built himself up.
"Don't you fucking dare."
He mouthed with a clenched jaw.
My chest rose and fell rapidly.
Miles giggled to himself.
"I'll do what I fucking want and your ass isn't gonna stop me."

Erling took a step towards him.
"Try me."

The situation was going out of hand.
I didn't want Erling to get into trouble because of me.

"Erling, let's just go." I said, looking up to him from behind.
He kept his gaze on Miles.
While Mile's face was formed into a grin, Erling's was formed into pure anger.
The hallways were almost completely empty, because class had started minutes ago already.
"Listen to her. Or do you wanna get suspended again?" Miles smirked.


I looked down to his fists, which were clenched.
"Erling." I tried pleading to him.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'm talking to him, not y...-"

He couldn't continue yelling at me, because Erling took a swing and hit him in the face with his fist.

I gasped, shocked.
"Don't ever call her that again." Erling said with clenched teeth.

"Let's leave, Erling." I said, hasty and grabbed his underarm.
It wasn't easy, but I managed to get him away from the spot and pull him with me.

"Why did you do that? You're gonna get in trouble." I then said, still shook, when we stopped in front of the closed door of our classroom.
Erling ran his hand through his face, still looking upset.
"He pissed me off, that's why."

I swallowed. "I'm sorry."
He looked down to me. "What are you sorry for?"

"I got in you into that situation. I didn't mean to-to cause trouble."

"You didn't." He said, looking at me. "He's been a bully his whole life. It would've happened either way."
I sighed, quietly.
"We should get to class."
He looked at me in silence for a moment before nodding.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 (𝐄𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now