Sash ffs, i can't do it. i'll cry if
i see him xx

Then don't. Leave and go
somewhere else, take Tilly
with you x

You'll be fine though x

too late, im already crying

ffs why does he look so good

stop, can't hack this, actually sobbing

nvm i hate him

You make my head hurt xx

love youuu xxx

Today 22:59

How did you get on? Xxx

with Trent rn xx

didn't go well, hurt my throat from
booing him so much

crying too but we dont mention that

Tils was proper worried for me LMFAO
and Trent nearly squared up to him

scored as well didn't he :( so lpool lost !!
Dad is gutted </3

Papa Martin has got double beef
with Mason now HAHAHA

First he says his daughter isn't good
enough for him and now he scores the
winning goal on his birthday making his
team lose xx

so proud though :( bittersweet
moment xxx

still booed the goal, not about that
Read 23:13

HAHAHA as you should xx
Mason's heart stopped as he saw her at the top of the tunnel hand in hand with Mathilde, her back turned to him. He stopped in his tracks, watching as she wrapped her arms around Trent's neck, letting go of her niece's hand, as he pulled her into a hug. Tilly turned around and made eye contact with him, giving him a wave, the action caught Josh's attention. He took her hand and led her over to him. Trent smiled at him briefly before leading Florence away.

"I'm not exactly happy with you but Tilly really likes you and she wanted to say hi to Masey." The tall man whispered. "Be grateful that she's with us or I wouldn't hesitate to punch your lights out, mate. No one should be making that girl cry. She's amazing!" Josh cleared his throat, speaking louder. "Well done on the goal today, mate!"

Mason squat down to be eye level with Mathilde. A grin on the girl's face made her eyes light up as he scruffed up her hair. "Hi, Tils. I missed you!"

"Masey, Aunty Flossie was crying tonight. She didn't want us knowing though. Do you know what's wrong with her?"

Mason heart ached as he heard her words. Guilt overtook him and he felt like he was on the verge of tears. "No, Tils, I don't know. I hope she's okay though. Make sure to give her lots of cuddles for me, okay?"

The young girl nodded her head, jumping up to give him a hug, making Mason lose his balance. He smiled at the gesture, a tear running down his own face. He knew he had fucked up massively and he didn't know how to make it up to her but he knew one thing: if there is a will, there is a way.
It would be a lie to say that Florence hadn't missed Mason. She had been reading tweets about them and the theories the very few fans of Mason, who was interested enough in his relationships.

"Florence is going thru it she put up a story with liability playing and yesterday it was motion sickness ... What did you do mason?"
"nah has anyone else noticed that dec chilly grealish n taa have all been hangin out loads with that flossie girl that mason was seein but mase is nowhere to be seen??? mad weird"

She felt disappointed with her regress in the weird break up process with Mason. It had been over a month since she last spoke to him and she felt as though she was more mopey than when it first happened. No amount of grief counselling could have ever prepared her for the feeling of losing your boyfriend because he didn't see you as being good enough for him. She felt stupid and cringed at her vulnerability when it came to Mason. She sniffled a little, causing the dog, who had been snuggling peacefully at her feet, to lift his head to look up at her, he trotted over to her and lay his head on her chest, looking up at her with his eyebrows raised. "Don't look at me like that, Apollo, I'll cry. I love you so much."

The mix of emotions was overwhelming for the girl and in the moment, she could find no escape. Loneliness creeped up on her and no amount of people could drown out the immense feeling that she faced. It was as though a heavy rain cloud was hung above her head and the outro of White Ferrari by Frank Ocean was playing on repeat. As his messages to her became less frequent, she begun to fear that it was simply too late to rekindle any form of relationship with him.

Yesterday 18:19

You're killing me, Flo. I never
EVER wanted to hurt you.

Please just meet me and if you
don't think we can get past this
then I'll leave you alone.

Please, Florence. I'm begging you.
I miss you so much xx

Today 02:49

okay. battersea park. 1pm

stolen smile - a mason mount storyWhere stories live. Discover now