A Seer

15 4 0

Rowan's POV

This morning I was woken up by a knock on my door. Henry had come to inform me that earlier this very morning those things tried to enter my borders again, this time they failed considering my security was tight enough. I knew there was something wrong.

When I came back after 2 am I couldn't resist reading my mate's mind. I gave her exactly what we both wanted, she was having a wet dream and I turned it into reality. I love her adventurous mind. Though my time sleeping next to her was short-lived.

I am now in my private gym as I try to distract myself. Nothing about yesterday makes sense, at all. How come no one told me at that exact moment that we were being attacked? Even now I still feel I have a traitor and I will find them one way or the other. This is the longest I have kept a traitor in my lands.

There's always going to be a traitor, even if the traitor lived in another country and tried to free humans, I always find them. This one is fairly close and it makes me mad that I have to deal with these stupid humans and then I have to deal with a traitorous bastard working for whatever Valerie is doing.

After I left the gym, I decided to go to the training grounds this time. I see my commander doing his job well as he trains our fighters, our army. Alexander, or should I say Xander, my mate got me used to calling him by that nickname. I never usually cared as I preferred using his full name mostly. Kahina says a nickname determines a certain bond that shows how comfortable the other person is to the point where they use nicknames. I don't get it, I don't think I will.

She never gave me a nickname.

As soon as Alexander noticed my presence, he walked up to me. He wore his usual dark uniform, his hair was longer than he usually keeps it. His septum ring glistened in the sunny day around us. It's autumn this time of the year, it shouldn't be this sunny but I can only imagine why.

Kahina's booming happiness is what I feel considering I'm not planning on teaching her how to hide her feelings from me. I hope the sun is made by the good mood that she is in right now. I love her in a good mood.

"Brother, our warriors have been training non-stop. The return of those beasts has given them the right inspiration to get stronger." He explains as soon as he was in front of me.

"Their strength won't matter if we don't find out where they reside. We have to be the ones to attack them, no more suprise attacks.." I replied and his serious expression showed he understood my words.

Before he could speak, a scream inside the castle caught both of our attention. We turned to look at each other and without another thought we ran to the direction. I would've known if that was Kahina, but the voice sounded so familiar it informed that it was her sister.

As soon as we made it to Henry's chambers, Reinette was in his arms as her head fell back facing us whilst a look of worry took over him. Her eyes were blank white and her mind was completely closed off whereas her heart rate was spiking and her breathing was unnaturally fast. Fear covered the whole room.

"Reinette, Reinette speak to me." Henry's broken and pleading voice was the only sound mixed with her heavy rapid breathing around the room.

I only noticed now that Freya and my sister had arrived in the room. I heard small footsteps approaching as a newfound fear was felt from my bond with Kahina, she could feel something was wrong.

Her sister still laid there whereas the weather started changing and my mate's scent covered the whole place. With Henry still pleading and my sister's constant useless questions, I was still in place. I turned around to be met by her blue piercing gaze, she never once said a word as she entered the room passing me by the door.

"Wh- what happened? What's going on?" She voices out but her voice sounded croaky as if she was holding in a sob.

She tried getting closer but stopped when Henry growled at her holding his mate tighter. I was about to speak before another menacing growl filled the room causing silence to spread all over again. Freya's shocked eyes turned to me and I didn't have any words as I walked towards Kahina before she could do anything to endanger her sister and herself more.

"Calm yourself, love." I tried to say softly but her eyes snapped to mine looking violet as she was ready to give me a peace of her mind.

"Don't be worried, she's having a vision." I was almost startled by the soft voice of my witch sister. Everyone looked to her.

She walked in the room calmly as she made her way over to Reinette again. Henry's growls started over again, they got stronger with each step and I could feel Kahina's anger towards him but she was holding it back.

Esmeray got on her knees, ignoring Henry's raging growls as they got louder by the minute. With his mate in his arms, he still couldn't let her go to attack Esmeray. He wouldn't hurt Esmeray either and even so, I wouldn't let him.

Esmeray's hand hovered over his mate with her eyes closed and no one said a word as we watched her.

Moments later, Reinette's eyes turned back to aqua blue as she sucked in a strong breath followed with a series of coughs. Relief immediately washed over me and it wasn't just mine, Kahina left my arms and crouched down.

"Reinette? Breathe, calm down." Kahina spoke softly, all of her anger gone.

"You're okay." Henry helps soothing her. She shivered as if the temperature had dropped below forty as her small frame snuggled deeper into Henry. Kahina's disappointed face did not go unnoticed.

My mate loves protecting her sister, I feel she fears she will no longer need her now that she has Henry. It wasn't fear when she growled back at Henry, it was jealousy.

"A seer." Esmeray speaks.

"What?" Alexander speaks for the first time.

"She's a seer. Her royal power is she can see the future, present or past even if she wasn't there. The most important information." She explains.

"We haven't completed the bond, nor have we even started heading to that direction." Henry explains.

"How come she already has powers?" I finished his unasked question.

"She accepted the bond a while ago, so I guess she didn't have to. But besides from that, the message was probably too important to wait." She says.

"Sh- she's right." Reinette struggles to speak. Freya rushes to get water so she can relieve her raspy voice.

As soon as the water came, she gulped it down with Henry's silenced worried expression as he rubs her back gently.

"What do you mean?" Asks Auri.

"I saw something. Royals, not us. Not the ones we met from the ball. From another... I guess universe?" She says with her shaking

Wait what?


Hey lovies! Long time huh? Sorry 2023 is already exhausting, summer is driving me crazy I can't wait to go back to school.

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