Truth behind the beauty

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Freya's POV

Going to see my padre this weekend was a good decision. My mind has been everywhere and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm going to get in trouble but I can't keep hiding when they need my help.

I heard everything the King and Queen were speaking about after Isabella left. If I so as face anyone else I would just blurt it out. I can't keep secretes, Aurielia and I have been caught in so many situations because of that. I'm the good one in our friendship and she even lies unnecessarily. I think it's a talent to her though.

"Tesoro sei pronto?" My Dad says behind me. Today I go back to the castle with this burden.

"Si papà." I reply.

"Andiamo." I grab his arm before he turned to leave.

I stood there as I stared at the floor, contemplating on whether I should ask him for advice or not. Thinking that it's best I get an opinion from a wise old vampire, I asked.

"Pensi che dire a qualcuno che una persona che amano li abbia ingannati sia una buona idea?"

"Tesoro, la verità fa male ma fa più male se gliel'hanno raccontata qualcun altro."He says holding my face. I guess he's right. I know what I have to do.


I would love to say my flight was great but it wasn't. I spent the next 12 hours wondering what to do or how to initiate this conversation but I do know that I must say this.

As soon as my car was parked, I took the elevator to the main floor. It was very calm today as if people have been waiting for me or something. I decided to try and differentiate scents so I can get the King's scent.

Just like I thought, it was fresh and lead straight to his office. It was morning and I haven't even freshened up yet but I have never felt more ready and freshened. It has been bothering me for the last four days. Not anymore.

I made my way to King Rowan's office and surprisingly it wasn't closed. "Freya, Kahina mentioned you had went home. Everything alright?" He asks.

"Actually, no." I say closing the doors behind me. "I have come to discuss an important matter."

He looks at me as if trying to find something behind my facial expressions. Of course he did because he was looking into my head.

"You are never to tell anyone of this understand?" His whole demeanor changed and is active very scary now. His words were more of a warning than a request.

"But you know this will only do more harm than good." I say.

"Freya, don't even start with that. Don't meddle in me and my mate's issues. You out of all people I would never expect to do that." He says.

It's true I like minding my own business and everyone else never does but sometimes I have to draw a line, just like right now.

"Except she's also our Queen, Rowan, I know I would be very mad at my own mate not telling me he knows who was responsible for my father's death." I say.

"Except you're not. Let me do things on my own terms."

"But it's unfair. You're being unfair because it's selfish." My voice raised. It's the first time I'm standing up to him. He scares me and he always had.

"Do not tell me how to treat my mate! You're not the one who has suffered a loss of a mate and I cannot risk that a again. I can't compromise more lives just for a little human. When I turn her into a vampire she will actually be fit to be Queen. This is the best way." He says. He doesn't see anything wrong with this.

INTERVALDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora