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"Just let Eris leave" She said, her voice laced with fear. She stood in front of me, shielding me from the five men with pointed guns. The masked man in front of the four men belted a laugh "No one leaves missy, G go get the girl we can make her watch" his eyes twinkled with excitement as he nodded to the left. A bulky man, 6'2 in height came lunging for me, pushing Freya out of the way, landing head first on the corner of the glass table. It was supposed to be a peaceful night. I ran to the brunette, tiny blood already painting the tiled floor. "Oh no no, no, you come here" He grabbed me by my waist before I could get to her "Freya! Freya, wake up!" I shouted as I tried with fail to get his arms off me. "Let me go! You puffer fish" I squirmed trying my hardest to pry his big arms "you got a creative mouth" he whispered in my ear, still gripping me. "Better Wake up soon sleeping beauty, the Boss wants you awake" one masked man said as he carried Freya bridal style.

"No, no, No!"

"Eris wake up, Eris!" I gasped as I sat up. Eyes wide and a bit blurry. My t-shirt soaked in sweat clinged on my chest, as I put my hand on my beating heart. Same nightmare everytime. "Are you okay?" I blinked and took a breath as I looked at my roommate who was seated at the edge of the bed looking at me with pity, worry and concern. Emotions I despised to the core. "I'm fine" I said my voice hoarse. I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"No really, please I'm fine, it was just a little nightmare that's all". Removing the covers from my body, I got up and headed for the bathroom. "Eris, you've been "fine" for a month, getting drunk and high, taking sleeping pills like it's no one's business, you're not fine just admit it" I sighed as I looked in the mirror. My buzzed head lifeless as my eyes. I looked at her, still seated in the same position. "Thalia, can you give me some space, I need to get ready for a run" I closed the bathroom door before she could answer. I need a run to just get rid of these thoughts. I quickly brushed my teeth and got out of the bathroom to look for my running shorts and t-shirt as I was already wearing my sports bra.

"You know I have hands, I can fix my own bed and get my own clothes" I said as I stood by the ready made bed taking the worn t-shirt from the bed and putting it on. "Breakfast is ready" she said as she got out of my room. I sighed as got my shorts and looked for my running shoes.

Thalia is the only friend I have. We met at a park, sitting next to me. I was only 17 then tired of my father always on my back, telling me it's time I take over the family business. Funny how I ran from it but it chased me down. Even though she's younger than me you'd think she's older with how motherly she is with me. When my parents died at 20, which was two years ago. I inherited this 5 bedroom double storey house, and couldn't imagine living by myself, plus I wouldn't let her rent when I had a full house by myself. She's been there for me even though she didn't know much and I want to tell her about these horrifying nightmares, but I can't. It's best she stays in the dark thinking it's about my parents car accident. If only she knew how my family really died and how it made me who I am now.

Taking my fitness smartwatch and putting it on, I headed downstairs for the kitchen. Thalia is studying to be a chef and also works part time. Sometimes if I'm not in a bar, I get to taste the delicious food she makes. Sitting down and grabbing a french toast from the stack made, I looked at her as she stood by the counter with coffee in her hands. "Still don't want to talk about it?" She said, taking a sip from her coffee. I sighed and took a bite from my toast. Swallowing I shook my head. "Thali, there's really nothing to talk about. I've said before, my parents-"

"Yes I know, your parents car accident, you've said that many times" she said cutting my off. "You just haven't mentioned who the fuck is Freya". My body stiffened at her name. No don't think, don't think I said to myself countless of times like a mantra. "I got to go, I'll be back soon" getting up, leaving the bottle of water. I headed for the door. "Eris, how long are you gonna run from your issues?" I stood by the door, taking one final look at my friend as I got out and just started running.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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