Grand Theft Goku

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(cuts to Goku, now in Captain Ginyu's body)

GOKU: (in Ginyu's body) What happened? I'm all purple...and horny! Chi-Chi's gonna hate this...

"Phrasing Goku!" Tien exclaimed.

GINYU: (in Goku's body) What's mine is yours, and yours is mine, as they say.

"Yeah, seeing Goku say stuff like that is weird as hell." Oolong said.

GOKU: G-Gimme back my body!

GINYU: I'm sorry, you can't have your body anymore. It's mine, now. Jeice, shall we?

JEICE: Right, cap'n.

(Ginyu and Jeice fly off)

GINYU: Goodbye! Enjoy bleeding to death.

GOKU:: I won't...! Man... I'm a jerk now...

"'Now'?" Vegeta asked.


(cuts to Krillin and Gohan flying in the sky, searching for the Dragon Balls)

GOHAN: The radar says we're getting close!

KRILLIN: Yeah... Who woulda' thought Bulma woulda' been so compliant?

"There's no way I was compliant." Bulma immediately retorted.

(flashback of Krillin and Gohan's last conversation with Bulma)

BULMA: Why?! Why would you leave me alone here? I don't know this place! Did you know there are giant crabs down there?! I do! I KILLED ONE!

"Multiple actually," Bulma added.

KRILLIN: Okay, Bulma... let's just calm down. Why are you upset?

BULMA: Why? Because always alone.

KRILLIN: Okay, Bulma-- if we were to stay here, you'd have company, yes... but what exactly would that accomplish?

"He does have a point, you know," Videl added.

BULMA: ...Just take the f**king radar.

KRILLIN: Thank you, Bulma. Say thank you, Gohan.

GOHAN: Thank you, Bulma.

BULMA: No problem, Gohan.

KRILLIN: And no problem...

"Manners are for Gohan, Mr Super Soaker doesn't get any," Bulma replied.

BULMA: Shove it!

KRILLIN: I'll take it. Let's go! (Gohan and Krillin leap away)

(cuts back to present)

KRILLIN: Well, if you ask me, all she needs is a little bit of wink wink, nudge, nudge, *tsk*, *tsk*, *whistle*

"You're saying this to a five-year-old. He has no idea what you're on about." Bardock commented.

GOHAN: Still five.


(cuts to outside Frieza's ship)

FRIEZA SOLDIER #1: It's called the Wilhelm Scream, man. It's like the one in Star Wars where the Stormtrooper falls.

FRIEZA SOLDIER #2: Aww, yeah! I love that scream. Uh, doesn't it sound like... (tries to imitate the scream)

"The fuck was that?" Vegeta asked. "Just wait for it..." Tenjo responded.

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