Chapter 9

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Alastor agrees when I ask him to just wait outside of the room, so I follow my mother into her room. I lock the door behind us and lean against it while I keep a tight eye on my mother as she settles into bed. She looked at me with a smile and her endearing eyes, "I'm so glad to see you."

I cross my hands over my chest and gave her an unamused face. "Really now? The hallway says otherwise."

"Dear, I wasn't involved in it and your father didn't want me to ta--"

"Shut up! You are literally the leader of this family! The boss and you are scared of that thing!"

"Please don't call your father, 'that thing.' Your father is simply wor--"

"He isn't even my father! Why should I listen to him?"

"He adopted you; he raised you as his own and you know that. He did everything he could to make you happy."

"Lies, lies, and even more lies. I had to suffer through his classes. He insulted and embarrassed me in front of people. I don't want to be a part of this anymore."

"...Can you at least think about it?"

I look at the ground, thinking about it, "...Only if you guys make an effort to get to know Alastor."


"Because he is my husband and you guys should at least get to know him before making a judgment."

"What if he hurts us?!"

"He won't. Unless you make him angry which I doubt. Just don't touch him at least and he will be happy to talk to everyone."

Mother scratch her cheeks before agreeing on our little deal, she stood up from her bed and walk over to me with open arms. I raised a hand in front of her and shook my head, no. She awkwardly lowered her arms, "Well, we still have your room. I made sure that no one entered it but me. You and Mr. Alastor can stay overnight. We will talk to him during dinner." She handed me a little silver key after pulling one out of her pocket. I took it and then opened the door. Alastor can be seen gazing intently at my parents' paintings as I search the area for him. He turned to face me as he heard the door squeak.

"Ah, darling, how was your conversation?" Alastor walked over to me with his arms out and my mother kept her distance, not wanting to be close to him. 

"It's fine. Would it be okay if we stay here for at least a few days?"  

"Hmm, I suppose we can do that." Alastor twirls his microphone and place his hand on my shoulder, "Do we have a room?"

"Yes, we do. In fact, it's my room." I showed him the small, silver key and he lightly push me forward. 

"Wonderful, lead the way!" 

As my mother enters her room once more, I wave her off. As we moved through the gallery of paintings, Alastor continued gushing about how amusing my family drama is. Naturally, I didn't respond to him because doing so would simply escalate the situation. The door adjacent to my room was open, and rap music was being played loudly.

"Please tell me the room next to that awful sound isn't ours."

"I'm afraid it is." We move to my room, and I groan at the loud music. I peeked into my sister's room, where she was applying eye liner. Alastor snaps his fingers, causing the music to abruptly end as we hear groaning from the room.

"What the fuck! My phone!" Reina screamed out loud in horror.

I quickly put in the key into the keyhole and twist it to the left. I push it open and grab Alastor's arm who was looking at the room next to us. I pull him inside and slam the door open. I took a deep breath and exhale the air. I felt a slimy, cold tenacle wrap around my body and turn me around, facing the angry sinner in front of me. His pupils were bright red, and the sclera was black. His antlers were longer, and his body was bigger, "Don't touch me!"

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't decide to mess Reina's stuff!" Trying to get the tenacle off of me, I shouted back. Alastor pauses there for a brief period of time before dumping me to the ground so that I land on my butt. Ouch...

"I married you, which is fortunate for you." Alastor glances around my room after removing the dust from his sleeves and briefly fixing his hair. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my dress and bottom. I look around my room and it still appears exactly as it did when I left it ten years ago.

2nd POV:

The round, fluffy bed was in a beautiful pink room with bright lights underneath it. The bed's headboard was formed like a heart, and an oval table with old notebooks was placed in front of the bed. A large heart with lights around its edges was behind the headboard. There were three oval mirrors, three chairs, and a little portion of my desk next to the bed. A little bookcase and a vase with dead flowers. There was a wall between the portion of my and the additional door leading to the bathroom.

As you move around your room, you make contact with the chairs, desk, and bed. You approach the mirrors that had displayed your embarrassingly young-looking old photographs. Alastor took a picture of you lying on your round bed, making a kissy face while holding a peace sign while he stood behind you. He noticed your younger siblings were sitting on top of you and grinning broadly for the camera in the backdrop. He finds it strange that you changed so much because you seem so different. He repositions the picture on the larger oval mirror and looks through the ones of you. Your right cheek was being kissed by a male imp in another picture, and you had your eyes closed but were grinning at the camera.

"May I ask who this is?" You took a moment to study the picture before grinning as he pointed to the male imp in it.

"That's my ex-boyfriend, Hunter when I was possibly 16 or 17. We don't talk anymore, not sure why I kept that photo." Ripping the picture off the mirror, you sigh to yourself. "I'll keep it for memories." 

Alastor wasn't a fan of such notion. His chest began to feel uncomfortable as a result. He was a little miffed that he wasn't your first lover given that you are his. He kept looking at the pictures and saw how content you were with your friends when you were a teenager. You weren't like this when he first met you... You felt depressed...

Tea With the Bookworm: Alastor x Reader || Hazbin Hotel (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now