Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans

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The camera shows the Codesworld house on a normal day. Dawn was currently in her room mediating like usual while everyone else was out doing their own thing else where. Suddenly there a knock on the door. Dawn opened it to see Cody.

Cody: Hey Dawn.

Dawn: Cody. Where have you been?

Cody: Y'know just like everyone else doing my own thing. I'm surprised you decide to stay back actually.

Dawn: Well, Solazar had to take care of his kids, Russell has a restaurant and your pretty much know what everyone else does so somebody's gotta watch the house.

Cody: Ya. Well since no one is here, you mind if I bring some old friends in.

Dawn: Wait, you brought some people over.

Cody: Ya, I know them don't worry. I went to High School with them.

Dawn: Ok, I'm trusting you.

Cody: Perfect! Come on in guys.

Suddenly two people came through the front door.

Suddenly two people came through the front door

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(Speical Thanks to 16vxriot and QueenZain3  for letting me use their OC'S

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(Speical Thanks to 16vxriot and QueenZain3 for letting me use their OC'S. You guys are awesome!)

Cody: Dawn, this is Wyatt and Maria. Wyatt and Maria, this my Girlfriend Dawn.

Dawn: It's nice to meet you two.

Wyatt: Same with you.

Maria: Agreed. The pleasure is all ours.

The new duo began to walk around the house to take a look around.

Maria: So is it just you two here?

Cody: No, there's more people here, they are just out there doing their own thing.

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