Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!

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The sence changes to Cody and Dawn walking out their room while talking.

Cody: Sweetie, I know you may not like this. But are you sure your parent aren't just wizards thanks to all those powers you have like teleportation and all that.

Dawn: Well, you aren't first to think that. But no, I like to think they were. environmentally active.

Cody was confused and just came up with a random response.

Cody: So basically wizards?

Dawn: NO! It's not like that!

Suddenly they heard chatter coming from Scott's room. So they take a peak and see Scott and Laurie getting along.

Cody: Man. I'm surprised Scott and Laurie are getting along so well.

Dawn: Indeed. Out all of you guys, Scott is there last person I thought she'd get along with.

Cody: I mean you and him did date before I met you.

Dawn: Fair point.

???: Fair point indeed. But he still deserves love.

The couple turn to see Crimson besides.

Dawn: Really? I know those two are getting along but judging by Scott's aura. He isn't really ready to get into a relationship.

Crimson: That because he's afraid of the same thing happening again. You know what I'm talking about, don't you Dawn.

Dawn looks as she knew but Cody looks was very confused.

Cody: Wait. Time out, what do you mean by thing?

Crimson: Well, simply put his last few relationships didn't really go well. Basically he's had two prior relationships. Dawn and another Girl named.... Courtney I think. Anyway, one way or another they eventually split.

Cody understood more but was still confused.

Cody: So what. I broke up with someone and that led me to meet Dawn.

Dawn: Well we rejected him at the proposal. Basically he tried to marry me and Courtney. But we rejected him due to him more or less, moving through the relationships to fast.

Cody: Damn. And I thought just rejected from a proposal was bad.

Crimson: Ya. But it seem that him and Laurie are getting along, I think he could definitely get with Laurie. We just need them to hang out besides here.

Dawn: Where could we do that.

Suddenly an idea popped into Cody's head.

Cody: Hey, remember that carnival you and Scott used to hang out alot.

Dawn: Twinkle Park?

Cody: Ya. Why don't we try that.

Crimson: Perfect. Plus there is a new restaurant called "Hugo's Frog Bar and Fish house" as well. Maybe that can't help.

Cody: Yes! That's good.

The Goth and The Creepypasta Hunter shared a fistbumps as Dawn speaks up.

Dawn: Alright. I guess we have a double date then?

Cody: What do you mean?

Dawn: I wanna head there as well. Besides it's been a while since you and I went on a date. And no the band doesn't count as well got interrupted by AGOTI and his friends.

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