Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear

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Its a beautiful day in Los Angeles, California and it's perfect for something very rare to happen. A garage sale. Yes that kind of thing doesn't happen often in these neck of the woods. So it's quite common for a lot of people are take advantage of this opportunity to buy some things. And two of those people are Scott and Tankman.

Scott: So, why are here again?

Tankman: Well obviously it because One man's trash is another man's pleasure.

Scott: That'snot even how the saying goes!

Tankman: Well, there's pleasure to having treasure so it's basically the same thing.

Scott: Fine, let's guess see what they have. We had to walk 3 miles there better be something cool here.

The duo and see the usual things you'd find at a garage sale. But nothing too interesting that is until Tankman see this at one of the tables.

 But nothing too interesting that is until Tankman see this at one of the tables

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As we looks at it he hears a voice.

???: Ah Tankman. Good to see you again.

He looks up to see a fimillar face.

He looks up to see a fimillar face

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Tankman: Byron? You're here too?

Byron: Yes. I decided to help out the others with house cleaning.

Tankman: Well I mean you seem like the kind of guy who would sell a TV $20. And I ain't talking about shitty TV I mean really good TV's.

Byron: Uh...........Huh............Anyways is there anything you're interested in?

Tankman: Well I'm interested in this.

The army man the pick up the Ouija Board.

Byron: Oh well today's your lucky day sir. I am actually giving it away, for free.

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