Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)

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A/N: Nothing of what your about to see is cannon to the Codesworld universe. Just a little something I put together before I go to school tomorrow. Also this chapter isn't meant to be good, I just made this for fun. Also also this chapter contains a ton of strong language. If you are under the age of 18 an haven't seen the word fuck............you have now. Right now roll the intro!

The camera changes to a room with a lot fire in a fire place and a chair turned back. The chair turns to shows UCS754 with a book in his hand.

UCS754: Hey all, UCS754 here. It's almost that time of year for me as tomorrow I will be heading to School for the 11th time in my life and I think that 11 times to many but I have to it. But I don't wanna leave this on a sour note. I wanted to make a speical little chapter so we can get a few chuckles. So please sit back, relax, grab a snack and/or drink. And just get ready for randomness.

A TV then came down with Cody turning it on as the it showed some static before showing the Codesworld gang so far.

The scene shows Kitty with Russell, Emma, and AGOTI. Kitty was on her phone showing a report that she found online.

Kitty: It says that if you eat 34 bananas in 10 minutes you would die of radioactive poison.

Russell and AGOTI face palm as Emma walks up to her sister.

Emma: Ah yes... The radiation would kill you! And not like diabetes or something.

Russell and AGOTI starts laughing as Kitty feels embarrassed.

Russell is shown outside the Codesworld house. Clearly excited about something.

Russell: YES! We get to go to China Town! LET'S GO!

The entire gang was confused on why Russell was excited to go to China town of all places.

Solazar: Why are you so excited to go to China Town?

Russell: Because, during rush hour, China Town has the most used metro station in the world. While that happening, all the homeless people and all the people who have nothing better to do, they go there and harass people, AND THAT ALL I'M GOING TO DO!

Everyone was in slient with shock until someone broke it up.

Aldryx: Dang.

Cody had a six pack ring with him and was about to throw it into the lake. Until Dawn and Laurie caught him.

Cody: Uh girls. Before you get mad at me. Allow me explain...

Cody then pull out a whole ass white board with this one it.

Cody then pull out a whole ass white board with this one it

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