Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb

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The scene shows Cody, Scott, Tankman, Kaiden, Crystal, Wyatt and Maria arriving to what seems to be the middle of nowhere. But soon the were gathering supplies for the activity there were doing.

Crystal: So we got everything correct?

Tankman: Let's see, Rope?

Maria: Check.

Tankman: Harnesses?

Kaiden: Check.

Tankman: Belay devices?

Wyatt: Check.

Tankman: Quickdraws?

Scott: Check.

Tankman: Climbing shoes?

Cody: Check.

Tankman: And finally Cordelette, check. I'd say we're all set.

Maria: So what are we climb exactly?

Cody: That mountain right there.

Cody points to a mountain in the distance.

Cody points to a mountain in the distance

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Cody: That is Mountain Denali. One of the tallest mountains in America. And we are gonna conquer it.

The others: YEAH!

Cody: Alright let's go.

As the two get going Wyatt decided to ask the infamous question.

Wyatt: Who here is afraid of heights?

Tankman: Used to but I fly a helicopter so not anymore.

Scott: Same here.

Cody: But your afraid of Sharks thanks to Fang?

Scott: Yes.........

Cody: Fair enough.

Soon the gang reach the bottom of the Mountain.

Maria: So we gotta walk up the rocks?

Kaiden: Yep.

Maria: Jeez.

Cody: I mean they built these by their bare hand and it's still up today so we should be okay.

Scott: The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!

It was easy, a little bit too easy as they meet a dead end.

Crystal: Uh guys I think we went the wrong way.

The gang looks down and see a deep hole. A VERY deep hole.

Tankman: Alright, let turn back around.

The gang starts to walk down the rocks so they can find another way to climb up the mountain.

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