Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies

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Scene cuts to the CDW household.

We see Aldryx and AGOTI sitting and watching TV, then AGOTI's stomach growled.

AGOTI: Yo Russ! When's the dinner ready?

Russell: Just a second AGOTI, I need to add some sauce! I think I have some in the garage. Can one of you look after the pot?

He then left for the kitchen.

Aldryx: Rock paper scissors for who gets to look after the pot?

AGOTI: Fine.

They played rock paper scissors.

Aldryx got paper and AGOTI got rock.

AGOTI groaned in annoyance.

Solazar: What's going on boys?

AGOTI then gets an idea.

AGOTI: Hey dad, Russell said for me to look after the dinner while he's at the garage but I just remembered that I gotta go help Wyatt with something. Can you check it for me?

Aldryx: What? Dad don't listen to him he-

AGOTI was gone in a flash. Solazar sighed.

Solazar: It's fine, I'll do it.

He went to the kitchen to see a pot of chili boiling and the oven was being used for something.

Solazar: Chili?

He tastes it.

Solazar: Hmm...could use some more spice to it...

He then noticed the oven was emiting smoke, Solazar opened the oven to reveal a nearly burnt roast.

Solazar: Oh my goodness! The roast is ruined I should-

He tried to pull the roast out only for it to disintegrate into ashes.

Solazar: Oh dear me-


He turned to see Russell who was carrying a box with sauces, he placed the box on the table and pushed Solazar to see the burnt roast.

Solazar: Russell AGOTI told me to check the kitchen and I found your roast was ru-

Russell: I don't wanna hear it old man, you're a literal fire hazard to this kitchen and you ruined tonight's dinner! Now I gotta buy a new one.

Solazar: I am sure we can fix-

Russell: No! Shut it, out of my kitchen!

Solazar narrowed his glare

Solazar: But this isn't your house need I remind you.

Russell: I know it ain't but who's doing the cooking around here? I do! Remember last time's dinner when Laurie cooked?

Laurie: Alright everyone, who wants vegan chowder soup?

Everyone minus Dawn:

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