32| S'more Bloodshed

Start from the beginning

Why couldn't I be in that car burning? Why did I have to survive what they did to me? Why did I have to survive getting shot that night?

Liv would have survived. Eric would've been saved. GiGi would've had her siblings.

"You guys aren't killers, you're people who had to kill to survive and help others survive." I look at him next to me as I smile I knew my face was fucked up but so was his.

I was proud to call Eric Kingston my brother and best friend.

The doors open to the cold room we watch the tall figure walk into the room with men trailing behind him.

I fell around the ropes thinking about the things I'd do to get out of them. It'll take me a few minutes.

His footsteps were loud as he walked into the center of the room his dark eyes scanning us, his men watching us curiously.

The man was masked as a fox, must be from Japanese culture I'm guessing.

The man looked like a starved man with disheveled hair. His throat bobbed up and down as he kept his jaw clenched watching us.

He puts his head down as if he didn't want to look us in our eyes even if he was masked.

I looked at his body build bulky and tall as he took off his shirt showing us his tank top.

That's when I noticed the signature dragon tattoo from the Asian Mafia—Suho's mafia only his kin and top men would have that same dragon with the crest on their necks as a chain.

"You're Suho's uncle right?" I ask him getting rid of the silence in the room, "so you know not to hurt us?"

He kept his head down looking at the ground, not moving from the sound of my voice. His men stepped closer to Eric and me making Eric stop his breathing. The masked man puts his hand out motioning for them to stop.

I stare directly at his men looking at their expressions. They wanted blood.

"I am, and you must be Adora-Faith Kingston, the fashion mogul, but that's not all who you are right?" He put his head back up walking closer to me then back down not wanting to look into my eyes.

"That's not who all you are, you're mistress justice the woman who has law enforcement all over the world running for their money." He grabs my chin with one hand making me look up at him before he pulls his mask off.

His face had a scar on the side of his face going into his chin like a huge slash with a sword. He is dark eyes stared at me hungrily then at Eric.


"You're not just mistress justice either, you're Doug Deveraux's lost daughter." He circled me watching every move I made as he walked around.
"He treated you like this precious thing not allowing you to be seen around us, and when you did it was quick, brief." He continued, "but not brief enough for the fact you were proclaimed dead about eight-nine years ago." He chucked facing me dead in my eyes.

"You sure matured from the last time I have seen you," he grabbed my face again with one hand the other tracing my face. He disgusted me, but not enough to scare me.

"Well Hiroshi, I guess so but that's not what we're here for today right?" I move my head back looking dead at him in his eyes which seemed to creep him out. "We're here because you tried to overthrow your nephew—my man— from his birthright and you collaborated with other leaders to do so. Which doesn't follow the guidelines of a made man in Ryu-Chaing or Asian mafia. Does it?"

"You're right it doesn't, but it doesn't matter it'll all be mine once I kill you then your two boyfriends then that lesbian bitch!" I scoff both Eric and I laugh I use this time to start wiggling my arms out.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now