- It's not so easy to explain. – I say.

- Well, try it. – she demands more fiercely. Her eyes were red filled with anger.

- I... - my eyes turn to the ground.

- The truth. – she says firmly, looking at me expectantly.

I debate whether to tell her or not. Caleb and I are going to be living here at River Valley, there's no point in lying about it. She's going to find out either way. Better by me than someone else. This won't be easy, but she deserves this much.

- I'm a werewolf. – I admit and face her. She sighs deeply, shakes her head disapprovingly, and starts walking away. – Nadia, wait. – I say and she turns around furious.

- I don't have time for this, Nathan. – she says, walking away. I run up to her and put myself in front. She sighs frustrated.

- Please, listen to me. I'm telling you the truth. – I say calmly, despite her tone.

- Yeah, right. I'm an idiot for being with you. – she spats.

- I'm serious. – I say.

- Werewolves aren't real Nathan, stop making excuses. – she says and tries pushing me aside, but I don't move.

- Let me show you. – I say calmly. She looks at me for some seconds before rolling her eyes and nodding. – Just don't freak out. – I say. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and open them, shining them gold.

- What the... - she takes a step back.

- Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I can control it. – I assure her.

- How? –

- Let's go somewhere more private. – I say looking at the street.

We walked to a small cafe a few blocks away. It's small and private, not many people go. And so, I told her, I told her everything. How my parents are werewolves, how many of the guys and girls at school are as well, how I'm the next alpha in line, and most importantly, that she can't tell anyone about this. She understood everything and accepted to keep our secret. It felt weird admitting this to her. I always imagined that if I told her, it would be because I'd marry her, and yet here I am, breaking up with her. She's surprisingly calm and open-minded about it.

- I have so many questions. – she says rubbing her forehead.

- Go ahead. – I say. It's the least I can do, tell her the truth.

- Do you shift every full moon? – she asks. I chuckle at the generic wolf question. – What? – she says confused.

- Nothing, it's just a typical wolf question. – I say and she smiles. – To answer, no. We don't have to shift during a full moon. We can shift whenever we want and have complete control over it. – I respond.

- Sorry, I didn't know. – she says a little ashamed.

- It's okay.

- Well how is it? Do you turn into a wolf or is it a half-human half-wolf like Van Helsing? – she asks. I laugh lightly.

- Just a wolf, like a really big one. –

- Oh...- she says a bit disappointed. – With a tail and all? – she asks

- Yes, with a tail and all. – I repeat her words and she laughs a little. – Can I ask you something? How are you so calm about this? – I ask. I knew she would be okay, but not this comfortable. Frankly, it freaks me out a little.

- Well... I guess I always suspected you were hiding something. I was waiting for you to trust me enough to tell me, but I never thought this was it. – she says truthfully.

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