- Why tell me this now? – I wonder. He's never suggested or implied that Caleb becomes an Alpha. Never, not once.

- I saw them the other day on Caleb's birthday. They weren't doing anything bad, just hugging, but I thought I sensed something. I think there might be something more between them. – he confesses. I listen closely to his heartbeat, it's steady.

I don't know what to think. What he's suggesting would affect this pack immensely. It worries me deeply. And I'm also offended that my daughter purposedly arrived late to the dinner just to avoid me.

- Maybe your daughter's upset because she's marrying someone she doesn't want to. – he says smoothly.

- She's angry because I'm forcing her to marry someone to become an Alpha. – I say firmly. I know my daughter; she'd still be angry even if she were marrying for love. – There's no mating bond. They've known each other all their lives, don't you think it would've formed by now? – I ask.

- We both know there's more than one way to find your mate. – he simply says. He has a point.

- Fine, I'll think about it. – I tell him. I don't want to rush any decisions. Besides, I need to get my daughter to speak to me again first.

- Okay. – he mods, pleased with my decision. – Do you need any help? – he asks again. I decline and ask him to leave. I should get back to work.

Allan's visit left me thinking, he could be right about Nymeria and Caleb. The rest of the day and evening went by like that, I continued working on the construction plans and addressed possible failures. Convel passed by at 16:00 to notify me of the pipelines. It looks like there's yet another problem. The welding of two pieces went wrong and will have to be done again. Why can't things just go the way they're supposed to? Thankfully, Gregory didn't have bad news, no scouts, no markings, nothing. That's reassuring. At least I won't have to worry about an attack this week.

I've been so caught up in homework I didn't notice the sun was starting to set, it's getting dark. There's still so much to do. I massage my forehead, trying to relax a little. It looks like an all-nighter, again. I hear a knock on my door, they don't wait for me to respond before opening it. I'm about to scold the person when I see Nymeria making her way in holding a plate in one hand and a glass of lemonade in the other.

- Brought you dinner. – she simply says, walking toward me.

- Thanks, leave it there. – I gesture to a clean spot on the desk away from the papers.

She completely ignores me and makes her way around the desk, putting the plate and glass of lemonade on top of the papers. Why can't she just listen to me? The smell of stake with rice and sweet potatoes fills the room, it smells good.

- I told you to... – I try to speak but she interrupts me.

- If I leave the plate there, you'll just forget it and the food will get cold. So, you won't eat it and just go to sleep. – she snarks.

- That was just yesterday. – I say. I forgot to eat last night, she must've found the plate full and got upset.

- And the day before that and last week on Wednesday and Saturday. – she moves to the chair in front and sits down. – I'm not leaving until you finish it. – she says firmly.

I sigh and lift the plate to clear the area. I grab the cutlery and start cutting the meat. I give up, there's no point in complaining. She looks pleased by it. She's just like her mother; whenever they made up their mind, there's no changing it. The food tastes good, the stake is just like I like it, medium term. I continue eating in silence, she's only watching me carefully, not saying a word. The small frown on her face tells me she's still angry with me. I finish eating the meal and she stands to pick up the plate.

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