
812 27 54

TW// hospital, getting shot & dead body mentions, blood

Tommy's POV
one week later

I was discharged from the hospital, and the ride back home was silent. My suit was probably ruined with blood. Or, at least the hoodie part of it. Maybe not everything else.

We pulled up to the house, and I got out of the car. Tubbo offered to help me, but I turned him down. I wanted to at least try to walk on my own, and I did fine.

When we entered the house, I felt a peace wash over me. I felt safe.

Tubbo was apparently gonna be living here now in a spare bedroom.

I walked up to my room, spotting something pink on my bed. My room hadn't changed since I last saw it. I walked over, picking up the pink thing. It was Techno's hoodie. I was wearing it before I put on my suit, and I had tossed it onto my bed.

I put it on over my shoulders, melting into it warmth. It still sort of smelled like him. Not to sound weird, though.

I was so exhausted. A week in the hospital and slightly panicking every time you wake up before remembering where you are is tiring.

I flopped onto my bed, kicking off my shoes, and going to sleep.

Techno's POV

I walked up the stairs towards Tommy's room, lightly knocking on the door. He didn't reply, so I knocked again. Nothing.

"Tommy, you ok in there?" I asked. Silence. I know our rule is not to go in without an answer, but he got shot in the stomach a week ago and isn't responding to me. I think this is an acceptation.

I opened the door, slightly peeking in. He was out cold on his bed, lightly snoring. He was wearing my hoodie too. My heart was very warmed.

He was apparently very tired, because he appeared that he had laid down and instantly fell asleep, not even getting under his blanket.

I quietly walked over, pulling the blanket over him, and making sure he was actually ok. He snuggled into the warmth of the blanket. His eyes barely opened for a second, looking at me, and then closing again.

I slid out of his room without making any noise, and went back downstairs.

"Where's Tommy?" Phil asked. "Sleeping. He's so exhausted, he feel asleep before he could even get under his blanket." I chuckled. "I put it over him though and made sure he was ok." I added. "Awwwww, Technoooo." Wilbur cooed.

"Dare I tell you he's wearing my hoodie too?"

"Awwww!" Wilbur squealed.

I saw Tubbo looked like he had something on his mind.

"You ok, kiddo?" I asked. "I'm scared." He said. I tilted my head. "Why's that?" I asked. "B-Because nobody ever went back and saw if Schlatt's actually dead. He could have gotten away and got help. What if he comes back? I-I don't wanna out you three in danger too!" He said.

"You know what? I'll go check. Right now, actually." I said, standing. "If he's there, I'll take care of his body and stuff." I said.

Tubbo smiled.


He thought for a moment.

"Can- Can you bring my stuff back? It's not very much, and you're strong as fuck so you can get it, right?" He asked. "Sure! No problem!"

"Oh, and, it's all in safety mode. It's a thing I programmed for emergencies. Like, when you three showed up, I put my stuff in safety mode so you wouldn't fine it. I did that too when Schlatt's showed up so it's still in there." He said.

"Well, what does that imply?" I asked. "It's hidden. I programmed it to where when I press a button my stuff collapses and puts itself in a hidden compartment in the wall." He said.

I blinked a few times.

"You're...really fucking smart if you programmed something like that." Phil said. Tubbo shrugged. "I made everything for Tommy expect the hoodie of his suit, which I should probably fix for him. His throwing discs, I made those to where when he throws them, they'll come back. Like a boomerang. I just crafted his knife with a stone and some wood, though."

"Wow, you're a smart kid." I said, patting his head.

"Thanks. Oh, and the button is hidden too. There's a cardboard box in that room that Tommy and I were in that day you were at our base. That's also the room Schlatt's body is, or, should be in. There's a button inside of the box." Tubbo said.

He thought for a moment.

"Actually, no, don't bring the stuff. I live here now but that's still Tommy and I's base. My stuff should stay. Sorry, I'm a procrastinator." Tubbo nervously chuckled. "You're fine." I said.

"I'll be back in a bit." I said, leaving.

Time skip

Schlatt was definitely dead. Luckily, his corpse wasn't staring to smell much yet. I took care of his body and the blood on the floor. There was a puddle when Schlatt was, but also some next to the wall about fifteen feet away. I assumed that's where Tommy was when he got shot. I shivered as a flash of that appeared in my mind.

I saw a box, and opened the lid. Sure enough, there was a small yellow button. I wanted to at least see what exactly it all looked like. I pressed it, and heard some machine sounding thing behind me.

I turned around, seeing a square piece of the wall coming out, and a desk and computer and 3D printer came out of it and unfolded to their original size. That was cool.

I pressed the button once more to make it go back into the wall, and I left.

Time skip

When I arrived home, I headed back to the sitting room, telling Tubbo that Schlatt was taken care of.

A few minutes later, I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

Words: 1,005

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