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TW// cussing, scars, talk of self harm, panic attack, crying, flashbacks

Tommy's POV
two weeks later

I wasn't able to leave the house yet, but I had talked with Tubbo on our radios whenever I could.

I was helping Wilbur wash dishes while Techno helped Phil put them away as they dried them with a towel.

"Aren't you gonna roll your sleeves up so they don't get wet?" Wilbur asked. I looked down at my sleeves that covered my scars from the chains. "Here, I'll do it for you since your hands are wet, and I have a towel." Wilbur said as he dried off his hands. "Huh?" I asked, not completely hearing what he said.

He reached over pulling up one of my sleeves, showing the scar. He spotted it almost instantly. My breath hitched and I pulled my arm away from him, pushing my sleeve back down over the scar, backing up slightly.

"T-Tommy, what was that?" Wilbur asked. "Nothing." I said. Phil and Techno looked over confused. "What's wrong?" Phil asked.

He then spotted the worried look on Wilbur's face, and scared on on mine, and the fact that I was holding my sleeve down. I think his first thought was self harm, which it's not. The scars aren't cuts. There from where the chains rubbed me raw and broke open my skin for hours on end.

"Tommy..?" Phil asked. "What." I replied. "What's on your arm?" "Nothing." "Then show me."

I looked over at him, his face filled with worry.

"It's just- It's not what you think it is, but I don't want to talk about what happened." I sighed. Phil nodded. "Ok, then." He said. "That's- That's ok. But if you ever do wanna talk, you can." He added.

"I'm, uhm, gonna go to my room for a bit." I said.

I began to walk away.

"Hey, Tech, put this in the top cabinet for me." I heard Phil say. I heard some glasses rattling and a few seconds later, a crash. "Shit." Techno laughed.

I gasped, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes closed. Suddenly I was back. Tubbo was dragging me down the large hallway towards the exit, and Schlatt was throwing glass at us. It was shattering as it hit the wall or the ground.

I opened my eyes and I was back in the kitchen with my foster family. I was sitting in the floor with my knees pulled up, back against a cabinet, and my hands gripped in my hair as I cried and struggled to breathe.

"Tommy? Hey, Tommy, you're ok. Everything's alright. You're ok." I heard Wilbur say. I lightly looked up, seeing him crouched in front of me in the floor. He had his hands on my shoulders and gave me a warm smile.

I wanted to curl up and die. This was so embarrassing.

I turned to speak, but was stopped by the lack of air in my lungs.

"Here, you're ok. Breathe in," He demonstrated, "and out." He did this repeatedly until my breathing was back to normal, and my crying had subsided.

"What happened?" Wilbur asked, running his hand through my hair. "I- I don't- I don't know. I'm- I'm sorry." I stuttered. "The- The glass, it just- it- it..." I couldn't get a full sentence out of my mouth, so I gave up. "It's ok, I understand. The glass triggered something?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy. I didn't mean to knock the glass over. My hand hit it, it was an accident." Techno apologized, also crouching down next to me. "I-It's ok." I bit my lip, shivering, though I wasn't cold.

"I'm gonna take him to his room." Wilbur said. Techno nodded.

Wilbur stood up, also helping me to my feet. I stumbled a bit as the position I was sat in made my legs a bit tingly, but Wilbur walked me up to my room, making sure I was ok before leaving.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said, clearing my throat. The door opened, and Techno walked in, closing the door behind him.

Techno's POV

I went over and sat down next to Tommy on his bed.

"Can I help you?" He asked. "I wanna say sorry again for earlier." I said. "It's fine, I already said that. You didn't mean to knock it over and send me into a panic attack." He chuckled. I didn't find that funny, and he noticed.

"I wanna be more careful in the future. What else triggers you?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Glass breaking, gunshots, loud alarms or sirens, hospital rooms or rooms that resemble one, I'm pretty sure that's it." He said. I nodded.

What the hell has this kid gone through that makes him panic when he hears an alarm? Definitely something bad, that's for sure. I decided not to question him about it.

He ended up showing me the scars. They looked like they were from some kind of restrains. I decided not to question it at all.

A little while later, I left. I walked downstairs, seeing Wilbur on the sofa with his elbows on his knees, holding his head.

"Something's wrong, Phil. Those- Those scars weren't normal scars." He said. "What are you talking about, 'not normal scars?'" I asked.

"They- They weren't like cuts or anything. They were in a line all the way around his wrist. They looked like maybe his skin and been rubbed raw and then cut open. Like, from restraints. Like a rope, or maybe chains. I just- I don't know. He's been through something bad and it worries me." Wilbur said. He sounded like he wanted to cry.

Phil and I exchanged worried looks.

"We shouldn't push him to talk about it. He can tell us when he is ready." Phil said. Wilbur nodded.

After some time, I told them Tommy's list of triggers so they could be careful.

Words: 1,000

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