
917 37 42

TW// scars, attempted kidnapping, passing out

Tommy's POV

Nobody was home, so I slid on my suit, and hoped through my window. Once I made it to where there were actual building, I climbed one, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

I eventually made it to Tubbo and I's base, and hoped through the window. I noticed that his computer and printer was gone. There was no trace of him anywhere. I got nervous. I stepped more into the room, when I heard a voice.

"Pssst- Theseus, over here." I heard Tubbo whisper. I looked over, seeing him barley peeking out of a large cardboard box in the corner. I quietly jogged over to him, crouching down. "Are they gone?" He whispered. "Who?" I asked.

I was silent for a moment.

"The heroes. They showed up, looking for you, I guess. I don't know if they're gone, they were only in this room a few minutes ago." He said.

I paused.

"They didn't take your computer, did they? Tubbo, that has really secret stuff on there. Like- Like what happened with us and Schlatt, and my actual name, and- and stuff like that!" I said, getting scared. "No, they didn't take it. I put it in safety mode." "S-Safety mode?" I asked. "I'll explain later."

"I'm gonna go see if the building is clear." I said. Tubbo nodded, and shrunk back down into the box.

I stood up, making sure my mask was on hood, and left the room, going down the large abandoned hallways.

I felt a presence behind me. Before I could react, my arm was grabbed and I was forcefully turned around. There, I saw Blade looming over me.

"Hello, Theseus." He said. His voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it, as his voice was a bit muffled from the pig skull he wore as a mask. Creepy. I spotted Angel of Death and Ghost a few feet behind him.

"Got anything to say?" Blade asked. I didn't speak, obviously. I just held firm eye contact with him. He squeezed my arm tighter, and it hurt. He's abnormally strong. I mean, his power is the strength of ten men.

I winced from the pain, slightly squeaking. He loosened his grip when I did this.

I exhaled, pulling what seemed to be handcuffs from his belt. My eyes widened. Cuffs. Another one of my triggers. I knew I had forgotten to tell Techno something.

Blade rolled up my sleeve to put them on me, seeing the scars on my wrist. I gasped, ripping my arm away from him. I slid under his legs, and swiftly weaved between Angel of Death and Ghost before any of them could react.

I sped down the hall, them close on my tail. Literally. I have a tail. I just hoped I was far enough away for them to not be able to grab it.

I sped into the room Tubbo was in, closing the big natal door, and locking the rusty lock.

He looked up out of the box.

"Come on!" I signed to him with harsh movements to tell him we were in a rush, and in danger. He jumped out of the box. I grabbed his arm and pulled him through the window.

"Tom- or- Theseus, I can't jump across buildings like you can!" Tubbo gasped as he stared at the ground below. "I've got you." I signed. He nodded.

Tubbo is the person who actually taught me how to sign. He knew it because his sister was deaf. But she got sick and died.

Suddenly, the door busted open and I pulled Tubbo to the building across from the one we were on. I could basically see the adrenaline running through his body. He was scared, but he knows that I won't let him fall.

I carefully pulled us to the street below, and we took off down the quiet sidewalk. I could hear the three heroes just about twenty feet behind us.

I spotted something across the street. A guy and a little girl. She looked scared of him. He grabbed her and tried dragging her away. I pointed the ordeal out to Tubbo. He nodded, and I pulled the two of us across the street.

I let go of Tubbo about ten feet from the two, and ran after them. I pulled the man away from the girl, punching him in the nose. I knees him in the balls, punched him again, and he passed out. Weak.

I walked over to the crying girl, crouching down in front of her. She was maybe ten or eleven.

"Thank you." She signed. "Are you deaf?" I signed back. She nodded, a big smile on her face at the fact I know how to sign. "Where do you live? I'll take you home."

She signed me the directions to her house. I stood back up, gently holding her hand. I looked over, seeing Tubbo smiling at me, and the three heroes just looked stunned.

I bit my lip, sighing.

"Can you three take him to the police station? I need to get her home." I signed. They looked confused.

"He's asking if you'll take him to the police station so he can take the girl home." Tubbo translated for me. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure." Blade said.

"We're- We're just gonna let him go?" Ghost asked Blade. "He's not doing anything bad, so why not? We shouldn't arrest someone for just trying to help the city." Blade answered. I smiled. "Since when did you think like that?" Angel of Death asked. Blade shrugged.

"I'm gonna head back home, To- uh- Theseus." Tubbo said. I shot him a thumbs up, and he left. God, he needs to be more careful with my name when I'm working.

I smiled at the little girl. She held onto two of my fingers, and I began to walk her home.

Words: 990

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