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Leo and Neymar cuddled and made out for a while, until both of them wanted to go out. 

Leo opened the car door for Neymar to step in and close it after Neymar was seated. He ran to his own side and close the door after he got in. 

He started the engine and drove to the road. 

"So where do you wanna go?.." Neymar asked Leo, looking at him with much affection. 

Leo gave him a warm smile. "Well.. I want to go to the beach that's close the roundabout. Unless you don't wanna go there, of course." he let's out a nervous chuckle. 

"Of course I wanna go there! Especially with you..." Neymar mumbled out the last part, but it didn't go past Leo's ears. 

"I've been wanting to go there with you.. Didn't want to go there my first time without you." Leo looked at Neymar and gave him the biggest smile that he haven't done in a long time, before turning his head back and focus n the road. 

Neymar covered his face and blushed hard. He really didn't like blushing that hard, it made it seem like he's weak. But Leo kept on commenting on how cute it is, making him more relaxed with it. 

They chatted happily with each other, both having the long lost smile on their face. 

Not long after, they've reached the beach. They were right on time for the sun set.

They walked on the sand and walked close to the edge where the water was rushing up the shore. 

Both of them walked down the edge laughing, Leo flirting once a while making Neymar turn another shade. 

Leo stood in place and looked at Neymar who was laughing at one of his joke. The warm orange light hitting him right in the face. Making him glow. 

Él es tan jodidamente perfecto.

Neymar suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Leo with a wide eyes. 

"Oh fuck, I said it out loud." he quickly slapped his hand over his mouth. 

Neymar gave a nervous smile while continue walking down the beach. 
When he was suddenly pulled back and the taste of Leo's mouth filled his. 

His love of his life, kissing him while the sun setting beside them. 

Never had Neymar even thought of it happening. 

They pulled back from the kiss and they rest their forehead together. 

"I meant what I said darling. You're so perfect." Neymar let's out a breathless chuckle, a wide smile plastered on his face. 

"You're perfect too Leo." Leo grinned and pulled Neymar down to the sand and sat side by side until the orange sky was replaced to a dark purple with hints of blue. Stars also dotted the sky. 

They chatted, sometime it was quiet but it was a comfortable silence, letting them enjoy each other company.  

They were in another silence when Leo opened his mouth to say something. His phone rang, not letting him speak.

"Sorry mi amor, let me get this first alright?" Neymar nodded with a gentle smile. Turning onto his back to look at the star dotted sky. 

Leo walk a distance before pulling his phone out looking at the caller id. He furrowed his eyes at the caller name. 


Leo really didn't want to pick it up but he really hope Luca had called to apologize. He looked back at Neymar, smiling to himself before turning back and picked up the call before it ended.

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