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Neymar opened his eyes and shut them again when the light from the window hit his eyes.

He tried to get out of bed but something was weighing him down by his waist. And he felt warm, it was a nice feeling for him.

He turned around and then yesterday memories suddenly dawned back to him.

He slowly turned his body around and faced the still sleeping man beside him.

He wasn't dreaming.

His eyes were puffy due to him crying to sleep yesterday.

Tears, once again, formed in his eyes. But this time, it was happy tears.

Sometimes he wondered, will he run out of tears from crying this much?

He chuckled to himself, tears hanging on the edge of his eyes.

Neymar just looked at Leo as his chest rise and fall in a slow pace, until Leo started to stir.

Neymar looked up and was met with hazel brown eyes that mesmerize him every time.

Leo looked at Neymar and gave a warm smile. "Good morning darling."

"Good morning to you too...love." Neymar said, still hesitant about the pet name.

Leo chuckled at him and leaned down to give a peck on his lips.

They laid in bed for what felt like hours for them but it was actually only half a hour.

After some making out, they both got ready and went to training.

They of course didn't go at the same time, usually Leo would arrive more early than everyone else. So Neymar let him go first, then driving his own after probably half a hour after Leo left.

Neymar pushed opened the locker room and was met with familiar faces that he see every single day.

"Ney! Is that a hickey?!" Rafinha yelled loud enough for the whole team to hear.

Everyone started to as question but was pushed off by Gerard.

Many of their teammate had asked him what had happened but he always shrugged it off, giving them no answer. Leaving the teammate to ask Dani, Luis and Gerard since they had literally flex on the whole team that they knew what had happened.

And well, everyone wasn't surprise when coach told them that Luca was kicked from the team. He deserved it after the actions he did.

The whole team returned to their normal routine.

While Neymar and Leo having a secret relationship that no one really have to know yet. Except for the one that already knows, which is Gerard, Luis, Dani and Andres.

Andres immediately knew after he saw the hickey on the first day.

And with that a month flew by.

Right now, Neymar and Leo were at Leo's house, sitting on the couch downing alcohol one by one.

They weren't drunk, they were just a bit tipsy.

Neymar was singing his favourite song that was blasting through the speakers.

Leo just watch him with amusement. Slightly smirking to himself.

Neymar turned his head and the two man made eye contact.

Leo immediately leaned in and captured Neymar's lips into a kiss.

Leo tugged at Neymar's lips. Neymar immediately opened his mouth and let Leo explore his mouth.

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