11. Circles

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"I think I have a lead on the missing maids case."

"What lead?" Jeonghan jumped out of his bed with the unannounced arrival of the third Prince.

Without a second breath, Wonwoo explained all about Jangmi and the letters of Nako.

"Are you sure some mere letters will give us a lead." Jeonghan sighed as he gestured Wonwoo to take a seat.

"At least it's something substantial and it can serve as an evidence to some extent, if we find Nako mentioning any weird occurrences  before her disappearance in the letters."

"Did you read these?" Jeonghan pointed to the small heap of 50 something letters.

"I brought it straight to you."

"Then let's read it. Oh! but I already had dinner should I ask the cook to prepare some for you?"

"No I had dinner at Mingyu's home."

"That's not proper or safe for a Prince. I guess you are no longer afraid of poisoning."

"My apologies." Wonwoo didn't want to waste time in useless banter, so he bowed deeply to the prince hoping to end this conversation.

"Let me call Seungcheol, I don't think we can can read all these by tonight." Jeonghan pointed towards the letters.

"If Mingyu wasn't a Kim, reading these would have been faster. Should we call him inside?" He continued.

"No we must not, I don't know why but that girl Jangmi didn't want her family to know about the letters. We should at least respect that." Wonwoo insisted.

Jeonghan wasn't planning to let Mingyu in their investigation either so he had no problem with it.

As soon as Seungcheol arrived they brooded over the letters without wasting any time. Wonwoo was finally able to read now, due to Jeonghan's efforts to make Wonwoo read heaps of offlicial reports.

Dear Jangmi,

I miss you dearly, thankfully I can write to you. The work in the palace is exhausting. Cleaning, washing and everything but  at least this way my parents won't marry me off. I promise I will gather enough money and then we can leave this place and live together somewhere far away.....

Dear Jangmi..

It's been five weeks now. I miss and yearn  your touch. I am happy to know you are doing well. Did you know Prince Sangwoo tried to bully me today, but Prince Iseul saved me. He is a very warm and kind person.....

Dear Jangmi,

You know that I only love you. Don't be jealous of Prince Iseul. Did you dance in the rain today?
I hope that you know every rain reminds me of you, I can still sniff the smell of your hair and how your lips tasted........

As the three of them read letters after letters, Seungcheol's ears turned into the color of cherries.

Wonwoo's heart pained for both. He was well aware of the fears under which these girls were living. He smiled to himself as he read Nako expressing her love and yearning for Jangmi. He understood how desperate Jangmi was that she took the risk to bare a part of her which could risk her life. He internally cursed himself for not reading it first, he didn't want to be the one to out her.

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