bad gut feeling - soap

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"Oh, so I'm really fucked." I said offering a pathetic chuckle.

"You're not fucked." Laswell shot me a glare.

"No offense madam, but if you're here then that means this is really important and really dangerous. Apologies, but I feel justified in being scared shitless."

Laswell opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, unable to deny my statement.

I signed, raking my hands down my face. "Do I have to wear heels?"

"Unfortunately." Price told me.

"You are my least favorite person at the moment." I glared at him. "Continue on."

Price went on to talk about positions, lookouts, and more. I held my tongue, not in the mood to make sarcastic comments or ask questions. I reviewed the file I was handed which told me my backstory and who I needed to talk to to get information.

"Hold on-" I interrupted Price. The whole group looked at me. "You want me to go in unarmed?" I pointed to a specific part of the file. The look on my face was nothing less than utter disbelief. Were they crazy?

"Unarmed?" Soap's eyes widened in alarm. "Price you can't seriously think that's a good idea."

"It's not. But it's the only option we have right now. We can't risk the mission being compromised because you're discovered with a weapon." Price explained.

I felt like I was going to be sick. When the meeting finished I walked out of the room, ignoring everyone that was trying to talk to me. I needed a moment to think, to breathe. I made my way to the barracks and lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling above.

The creak of the bed next to me told me that Soap had come in. I turned my head to see he was already looking at me.

"You're going to be fine." He muttered. It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

"Why do I feel like I've been handed a death sentence?" I chuckled.

"Don't talk like that." He spat. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled. "Well, for starters you'd actually be able to focus on missions. I'm a bit distracting and annoying with all my commentary. You'd also be able to steal all my jokes and tell them to L.t., taking all the credit." I chuckled again. "Of course, you'll have to get a goldfish or something and name it after me. My legacy must live on and you'll have to remember and honor me somehow."

Soap laughed.

"I'd also really love it if you'd somehow get Price to shave his beard. Maybe say it was my dying wish or something. Really guilt trip him into it." I grinned. "I've got a stash of his favorite cigars hidden all over the base. You can find them and give them to him for the holidays and stuff."

My smile slowly fell. "And you can't let Gaz lose that sparkle. He's still got hope and happiness. Don't let the job corrupt him. He's got a cat you know. His sister takes care of it when he's gone, make sure he goes back to them."

"Lucky," Soap trailed off.

"And you make sure that Ghost washes that stupid mask. Don't let it get gross and musty. He needs to wash it more often. And you can't tell him I told you this, but he visits his family's grave every Christmas. You make sure he'll get there, okay?"

"Hey, stop-"

"And I'm like 95% sure that Alejandro and Rudy like each other. Help them get together, push them into each other so they kiss or something, I don't care just make it happen."

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