Friendship Cup Day 8: Determination to Not Lose

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One can feel Zarc's glee.

He truly wants to get back at Ray, even if it only through their reincarnation.

"What's in your mind?" Yugo poked my arm.

"Oh, just wondering how Yuya gonna win it with Performapal Deck."

" meant Magician?" Crow frowned.

"Performapal." I reaffirmed. "Yuya's actual deck is mix between three archetypes. Magician Pendulum, Odd Eyes, and Performapal. Right now, he decided to use Performapal only."

"Is he arrogant or complacent or what?"

"More like, he wants to challenge himself and be fair to his cards." That's what he said anyway. "He did not use some cards in quite some time, so he wants to give them chance to shine."

"Cards he didn't use in long time..."

I can guess what's in Crow's mind.

It's about Armed Wing. Where did it came from. Wondering if he always has that card in his deck or if it magically appears out of nowhere.

Not that I blame him.

It was a pleasant surprise to see his 5Ds Synchro monster.

I wonder if he has others... and Black Winged Dragon.

"Yuya will win, right?" Yuto asked me.

Bias towards yuya and against Serena, huh?

Poor Serena. Not many in her side. Someone really should throw her into socializing class, or at least, give her time to find a commonality with others so she can make friends.

It really doesn't help that when she arrived, cliques were already made, and it's hard for outsider to joins in.

I shrugged.

"Let's see how he fares, ok?"

"City as one! We are all friends!" The MC declared. "Today, we have the final duels for the second round! Isn't it exciting?! Without further ado, let's welcome our duelists! The fierce lady who trounced anything in her path, Serena! And tricky magician who weaves spells to charm the audiences, Sakaki Yuya!"

Ah, it's starting.

"Ready? Set! Turbo Duel – Accelerate!"

Serena LP: 4000

Yuya LP: 4000

I wonder how he gonna win it. Lunalight Archetype is competitive, though Performapal is no slouch either... Performapal-Performage Meta deck with some additional cards to the deck, that is.

What Yuya is gearing up with, is Pure Performapal.


You got benched, aren't you? Zarc?

"Hmph." He harumphed, crossing arms in petulance. "He said he want to keep me secret until much later."

Probably because you will shock Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion out of their card. And the fact Yuya clearly didn't trust you to not influence him. You want to get back at Ray through Serena, don't you?

"My turn!" Serena looked at her card and seems to think about it. "I summon Lunalight Blue Cat! I set two cards and end my turn!"

Lunalight Blue Cat | Level 4 | Dark

Beast-Warrior / Effect

DEF 1600 / DEF 1200

Oh? Not a good starting hand.

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