Friendship Cup Day 6: Immortals Enter the Stage

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Seeing Shun looks lighter than he ever been, Yuto's words not mine, I can only conclude one thing:

Power of Friendship strikes again.

"Not like you complains about it."

Yup, no complain indeed, Bergamot. If it makes him more supportive and cooperative ally, then I have nothing to complain. Butterfly effect is real, and for all good thing we have, there's a catch. Having cooperative ally would helped everyone when shit finally hit the fan.

Speak of butterfly effect, the fact Yuzu lose to Kurosaki, and did not look worse for wear except for some disappointment of cannot advance in the tournament, means Yuya is not a worrywart. She will be fine.

The one we have to worry about is...

I glance at Chojiro.

It was him.

In one hand, it was adult vs adult so it was not as fucked as Canon where the Crusher is going against middle-schooler girl. In other hand, it was still Sergey Volknov, and this time, he brings out the Earthbounds.

Just remembering it make my mouth curled in disgust.

This is going to be brutal.

And since we're doing bracket, if we both win, I'll duel Sergey.

"And I'll rip those filthy mud doll into tiny specs pf dusts." Muttered Black Rose.

I can feel her bloodlust. So does Zarc and Ray, if the wary glance they sent to me was anything to go by.

Not that I can blame her. It was her nature.

"You two can focus on that later. First, you need to get ready for your own opponent."

Right. Sect. thanks for reminder, Bergamot. Before I move to dealing with Black Rose's mortal archenemy problem, I have to pass Moonlight's biggest pet peeve.

This Synchro Dimension Duel I have is such callback...

Ah well. I can do it.

Bergamot raised an eyebrow. "You have strategy, right?"

You bet I am.


"I have something to say in advance." I stated before the light turned green for us to race.

"Oh, what it is?"

"Don't throw a tantrum when you lose."

Sect stare, before laughed.

"Nice joke! Can say the same as you miss!"

"Ready! Set! And Turbo Duel – Accelerate!"

We race, though I let Sect take the lead.

I always, always prefer taking second turn. It makes comeback easier when you know what cards opponent has.

"The first turn is mine!" Because I let you. "I summon Chainsaw Insect!"

 "I summon Chainsaw Insect!"

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