Chapter 20

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I woke up feeling cold on my ankle, it wasn't hurting too bad it jsut was freezing. I opened my eyes and found a new ice pack on it. I looked beside me and Manik wasn't there, I grabbed my phone and saw it was 9 in the morning which meant Manik had already gone to the office.

I sat up resting my back on the backrest, I touched my ankle and It wasn't hurting to touch but it was a little sore. I put my feet down after taking the ice pack off.

"Baby what are you doing" my eyes shot up to see manik in sweats

"Good morning mani"

"Good morning my little love" he said kissing my cheek leaning down

"Ap office ni Gaye" I asked

"No, I took a couple days off" he said putting my feet back up not he bed placing the ice back back on


"Because I wanted to"

"But I still have to"

"You don't have to do anything, the next few days you will be a little sweetheart and do as I say, is that understood" he asked interrupting me

"Manik but"

"No more work, we are staying home the next few days and your ankle needs to be rested as well"

"I get that but you can go, I can take care of myself" I said

"I know but I want to stay so I will, now tell me why you are up so early" he asked caressing my cheek as he held onto my face

I shook my head looking in his eyes, his eyes were swollen and his face was looking tired.

"Manik ap soye ni" I asked

"Soya tha kyu" he said kissing my cheek

"You are lying mani"

"I couldn't sleep" he siad

"Manik im fine, its just a simple sprain nothing more, don't be so stressed and feel guilty. I am totally fine"

"Its not that"

"No don't lie to me, come on lets have breakfast and then you can sleep" I said

"Nandini beta" I heard mumma's voice


"What did you do nandini" she said coming in the room

"Nothing, just a minor sprain mumma, I thought you were going to go on your little vacation"

"We were but then I heard this morning that you are hurt" she said sitting beside me

"Im fine mumma"

"How did you end up doing this" she asked

"Ya ya ask her ma" Manik said making me glare at him

"Tu chup kar, why wouldn't you call and tell me" she said

"I did call you this morning right"

"No, I called you to see if you can drop my passport at our hotel"

"Mumma when is your flight" I asked

"In a few hours but im gonna get your dad to cancel it"

"No please mumma, please go na, I will be fine"

"And who will take care of you" she asked

"Me of course" Manik said

'You better, I mean it Manu. If I hear complains or that you yelled at her I will not spare you" she warned making em giggle

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