2: assignment

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Everything is fine for the first moment of my consciousness. Then, everything is not fine.

First, there is a bright ass light in my face. Second, my back feels stiff, third, there is a strange humming sound that I don't recognize.

What the hell is going on?

I open my eyes and confirm my suspicion. There are fluorescent lights shining right in my eyes. I sit up slowly. I confirm my second suspicion. I'm not in my own bed.

Last, I look around and come to the first thing in the morning. I'm not in my house anymore. Instead, I'm in a white room. Beside me is a slab of white painted wood mounted to the wall as a form of bedside table.

Across the room to the side is a desk and chair, both white. And at the end of the room is a white door with a symbol on it.

Under the symbol is the letters SCP.

Well... Looks like I've been kidnapped. Guess I'm not so crazy after all. But the circumstances are certainly crazy. I look down to the side of the bed and see my backpack I packed last night.

Good thing I've always been a good listener. I stand up and dig through my bag. I pull out the clothes I picked last night and change into them. Might as well, right? Don't want to be walking around in my pajamas...

I put on my shoes too and grab my planner. Inside is the note to self I made last night. I take the pen from the spiral of the book and cross the note out. Semi-relieved to mark brain tumor off my list of worries. However, a bigger matter becomes pressing.

Where am I?

I scan the room once more and this time notice the note on the desk. I pick it up and read it.

Dear y/n l/n,

Glad to see you awake, as you've noticed, we've made true to our promise and you have been relocated to your new job site!

Further details will be provided by our hand picked guide who will also help get to your assigned researcher. Thank you for your cooperation.

As I finish reading this, my door opens. In walks a dark skinned woman with poofy hair tied back, a white lab coat on, and a clipboard in her hands.

"Hello, I'm Dr Marissa Glenn and you must be miss y/n l/n?"

I nod, "yeah, that's me, hello."

"Wonderful, it seems you are ready, yeah? Let's get going." She says. Her voice is a singsong tune and she seems polite enough.

I follow her, discarding the letter on the desk behind me. We leave the room, the white door sliding shut behind us with a soft hiss. We enter a long hallway with doors like mine on either side all the way down.

She begins walking and I quickly follow.

"Apologies for putting you in a d class cell but it's only temporary until your assignment comes in." The woman says.

"May I ask a few questions about that statement?" I ask.

"It appears you've already asked one, no?" She replies, looking back and smiling.

I smile back, "ah well, I guess so."

She laughs, "and yes you may." Her laugh is sweet and pleasant to listen to.

"Okay first, what is a d class?" I ask.

She sighs, "that will become obvious later on."


"Okay... What's this 'assignment' I've heard so much about?" I ask.

"Oh, it's the person you'll be assisting. You were hired to be an accountant or something right?" She says.

I nod, "yeah something like that, guess I didn't think it was all that serious..." She nods, "yes, it does seem that this place seems to... Sneak up on you..." Her words turn solemn. I have no context as to why.

She snaps out of it quickly though, "anyways, any more questions?"

I nod, "yeah, where are we going?"

We have been walking for a hot minute and I'm getting tired. "My office, there is a document that has your assignment." She responds.

"Okay, do you know who it is then?" I ask.

"Nope, that's what we're going to find out." Her cheery voice puts me at ease and I nod walking alongside her quietly.

Eventually, we end up at a door with a plaque next to it reading, Dr M. Glenn.

She pulls the lanyard up to a scanner on the door and it slides open. Inside is a wall of shelves, filing cabinets, a whiteboard filled with writing and papers and a desk in the center of it all.

She walked behind said desk and picked up a manila envelope, handing it to me. I open it and pull out a single sheet of paper.

hello y/n l/n

assuming, this is y/n that is reading this. If so, we would like to congratulate you on your position.

this will be an exciting new job for you, in more ways you can think!

your assignment is: Dr jack bright

you lucky dog (figurative)!

Please assume your position and meet your new boss!

and finally, good luck!

I tilted my head slightly, "who is this?" I mumbled. Marissa seemed to hear me and reached out. I handed her the document. she skimmed the page and it seemed like her eyes went... dull.

"oh i'm so sorry." she whispered and handed the paper back to me.

i took it and slipped it back into the envelope, asking her, "what? why?"

"hes... lets just say he's a handful. good luck..." she gave me apologetic eyes.

"alright, well, i don't know this place... like at all, so, may i ask you show me the way?'' I gave her a small smile.

she sighed, "yeah, no problem, follow me"

we left the room and walked down the hall. after a confusing bout of lefts and rights, she stopped. "It's a few doors down, says bright on the plaque." she pointed.

i nodded, "thanks"

"Yeah, and again, good luck, you'll need it." with that she hurried off, probably back to her office. I turned and walked up to the door labeled, Dr bright. i took a deep breath, and knocked.

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