4. advise

128 4 0

Bright's Pov

I speed walk down the hall. I had to get out of there... What was I going to say? Why was someone in my office for an extended period of time!? Am I supposed to get use to this??

I decided it's best to go to someone else for advice. I mean, even though I've been here a long time, I've never needed help. I've only needed 2 people and... That's beside the point.

I stop at a door and knock. The door opens and I step inside. "Okay, so I know this is sudden but I... Need... Um..."

I finally process the scene in front of me. Dr iceberg is sat on Dr gears' lap, iceberg's shirt halfway off. Both of their heads turned to look at me.

"Um..." I say, "never mind I'll ask someone else!" I spun around and bolted out the door.

Okay... well, on to the next best solution.... Google!

I walk off to the break room and sit on the couch. A Jr researcher is in the room sat at a table. They see me and immediately pack their things and scurry out...

That may be why I'm so unused to socializing. I pull out my phone and type in, "how to have an assistant."

Google says to, first higher one. Okay, done I guess...

Next, set them up with an office or a work space... The couch and coffee table seem to work for now.

Third is ask them about their capabilities. How well are they versed in the work they will be assigned.

Well, she obviously knows nothing. But she seems to have a stable head on her shoulders, so learning shouldn't be a problem. Especially if she was hired by the higher-ups.

So that's fine.

last is to set a schedule of work to warm them up to larger workloads. This will further their skills and improve their ability to help.

Okay, that seems fine... Now to find some simple work for her to do.

Your pov

I've organize at least three drawers of papers. All have been placed in corresponding folders and labeled. This would prove a heavy task for someone who isn't used to constantly organizing.

Thankfully, I've been doing this for years. It always seems like the ones with the highest positions are the absolute worst at organizing.

I could gather that Dr. Bright has a high position here, due to the papers labeled for level 4 clearance only. And well... My badge says level 0. So I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to read half- if not any, of these things.

But then again, who am I going to tell? I don't have friends, and my remaining family lives a few plane trips away. So I'm sure this won't cause much harm.

But just to be sure I should ask bright... As this thought crosses my mind, the door to the office opens. Speak of the devil and he shall arrive...

"Whoa..." He says, looking around the office. Across the floor is multiple piles of papers and folders all stacked with exact precision. I couldn't have it any other way.

"You've been... Busy?" He said. I nod and turned back to the stack of papers in my hand. He walked over to me, stepping over the piles of files. 

I could feel him lean over my shoulder. I was reading a document titled, "682 containment procedures update 15"

I placed it into a pile of other things related to 682's "containment." I'm not sure what that's exactly supposed to mean, but I'm guessing whatever 682 is, it's being kept in a very safe place. Especially since I have a full folder dedicated to all the casualties related to 682.

"Are you supposed to have that?" Bright asks. I look up, shrug, and turn back to the papers. "Fair enough." He says.

He walks to the other side of me, sits down and picks up a different stack of unorganized papers. We sit like this and continue to organize for the next hour or so.

After getting through another box of files, bright phone buzzes. he pulls it out and sighs. "Finally, it's lunch, come on." He stands and briskly walks out. I scramble to follow him.

I take out my planner and mark the time down for lunch. We make our way down 2 halls and enter a large room with several round tables. On one side is a counter with treys of prepared food and the opposite side has some vending machines. normal cafeteria look.

A few people sit at various tables, some in groups, some by themselves. Bright leads me over to the treys of food and picks up an apple. He motions for me to get something. I pick up a trey of spaghetti.

He turns and walks over to a table with 4 other people. I recognize two of them. Clef and kondraki. Across from them is two strangers, one man who has a stoic expression, looking blankly down At his food. The other, with a similar blank face ate his food, looking up at us briefly. the second man had light blue hair and darker skin, the first had slicked back black hair and pale skin.

"Hello assholes" bright greeted, sitting down. I sit next to him. "Sup fuckwad." Said clef. "You two aren't supposed to be in the same room together." Said the pale man. "its just a lunch break, jeez gears, whats the worst that could happen?" defended bright.

"the spaghetti incident?" kondraki retorted. immediately, a wild smile appeared on both clef and brights face. i cautiously took a bite of my spaghetti. the third guy, the one who's name i don't know, looked at me. "hey bright, who's this?" he gestured to me. 

"oh, this is y/n, my assistant." bright said. the man and who i presume is Dr. Gears looked at me concerned. "you poor thing." said the man with frosty blue hair. i laughed, a small chuckle, "you'd be surprised how many times I've heard that today, but, i cant tell why." i said. 

bright turned to me and gave me a lopsided smile, concealing what seemed to be worry on his face. i smiled back at him and took another bite of my meal

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