
"This is our home," he spoke. "We'll figure it out." Emma placed a hand on his arm, squeezing gently. She knew that Gally had no hope of ever leaving. He liked the Glade and how things had been. The recent change wasn't easy for him. He hated change. That was something Emma knew well by now. Gally noticed her expression and sighed. "Hey." He grabbed her hand. "I'll figure it out."

Emme stared up at him. She wanted to argue but knew it was pointless. Gally wouldn't listen to anything she said. He was stubborn like that. It was annoying, but also something she liked about him.

They were so different. Emma had always known that. It was amusing. They shouldn't get along, but they do, better than most. She was patient and understanding regarding Gally's temper, and he was caring and considerate when it came to everything about her.

Part of her can't help but wonder how much longer it will last, whatever is going on between them.

"What are you thinking about?"

Emma was pulled from her thoughts. She focused on the boy in front of her, who was staring at her curiously. She wasn't sure how long she zoned out but assumed Gally had tried to get her attention a few times. "Nothing," she waved her hand dismissively. "I need to get to the Med-Jack hut. I sent Teresa there alone." Newt has asked her to stay with Teresa. She didn't want to let him down.

Gally's eyebrows furrowed once again. "Do you want me to come with you?" He never gave her a chance to respond. "I should come with you."

"Gally," she couldn't help but laugh. "I'll be fine. Teresa's actually really nice. You should try getting to know her." He scoffed at the suggestion. "Or not."

It was impossible to miss the attitude in her last two words. Gally's posture immediately stiffened. "Emma, I-" he was cut off by something loud. It echoed through the Glade. The sound had come from somewhere inside the Maze. Right now, there were only two Runners out there: Minho and Thomas.

The ground beneath her felt like it was vibrating. Emma wasn't sure what was happening but hoped they were okay.

"What the Shuck is he doing now?" Gally was talking to himself, and he wasn't happy. Already he was blaming Thomas.

The rest of the Glade had stopped working, all curious as to what was going on. Emma tried to hide her worry, but it was apparent to anyone looking. Not only did Gally see it, but it only fueled his anger. "Go to the Med-Jack hut. I'll go see what's going on."

Emma wasn't sure. "Gally-"

"Go," his tone was gentle, but it was still a demand. Reluctantly, she nodded. Brushing past Gally, she hurried toward the hut. She took a deep breath and forced herself to believe that everything was fine.

Standing outside of the Med-Jack hut was Teresa. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her fingers were nervously tapping on her arm. "Hey," she greeted Emma. "What's going on? What is all that noise?"

"I don't know." It was an honest answer. "It's coming from the Maze. If I had to guess, I would say either Minho or Thomas did something." It was the only explanation. It didn't mean it was something bad, but the sounds were loud.

To her, they sounded like explosions, but she wasn't sure. Her memory from before the Glade was non-existent. If she had ever heard something blow up, it was long forgotten.

"Do you think they're okay?" Teresa was worried about them.

Emma glanced at the Maze doors, noticing a crowd in front of them. Gally was among the other Gladers, who were all in conversation. "I hope so." All Emma could do was hope. Minho was an experienced Runner. He knew what he was doing. Thomas was smart. He killed a Griever.

Left Behind -Gally-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن