Start from the beginning

They are also under SSS's radar too. We got lucky in capturing one of them so I'll be interrogating him." She explained. "I see." 

I looked outside the window. Once we arrived, Sherwood-san walked into the interrogation room.

I went into the room next door to see what was going on in the room via a mirror that was visible from my end but not on their end. 

The boy, Kris I don't know his last name-san, wouldn't give the Handler the info we needed. 

I turned to the other agent in the same room as me.

"Call Agent Twilight. Do know that he is currently an important part of Operation Strix." I said.

"Copy that, Agent Midnight." One of the men left the room to call dad. 

"What would Agent Twilight do in this situation?" Someone asked me. "Can I see the surveillance video of when you capture the boy next door?"

I asked the other man in the room. He pulled an Ipad from God knows where and looked for what I requested. "Here." 

I looked at the video and backed it up a few minutes from when Kris-san was captured. "Hm." 

I stopped the video when I saw a clear face of what seems to be the leader. -Hm. Black messy hair, tall, and slim.-

Just then, dad walked in. "What would you like for me to do, Agent Midnight?" Dad asked.

"Here, take a look, Agent Twilight." I passed dad the Ipad. 

"This here is the main suspect of this assassination attempt. He's most likely the leader. Can you disguise yourself as him?" I asked. "I can. But what would we get out of this?"

I looked back into the room next door. 

"Act like the boy here is the mastermind behind all of this. He will think that his actual leader betrayed him and will tell everything we need. Names, times, locations. Do you follow me?" I asked.

I looked at dad. "That's smart. Alright." He nodded. We all walked out of the room just as Sherwood-san walked out.

"You're here, Agent Twilight." I told Sherwood-san my idea which she agreed to. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road." She said.

"I'll stay in the room as it would seem weird if there is just some random kid in the hallways." Dad and Sherwood-san chuckled. "Yes, 100%." They nodded.

It only took a few minutes when Kris-san and Sherwood-san came back into the interrogation room. 

"It's a good thing we got some footage of that Keith kid, huh? Nice job, Agent Midnight." Dad smiled. "It was but it was risky." Sherwood-san said.

"I couldn't really get a lot from the video, though. You can't convince a professional with just moves like that. But good work, Agent Midnight." Dad praised me.

"Thanks. Are you going back to the pet shop, Agent Twilight?" Sherwood-san asked.

"I'll stay until I hear what Kris has to say." He said. "Hm. Alright." 

If I was being honest, I started to zone out but I still heard everything that was going on. 

"BOMB DOGS!?" Everyone yelled. "This is serious. How are we going to fight off all the dogs?" I asked.

My eyes narrowed. "Ridiculous. The cost of training one dog equals a missile. No way a group of kids could pull this off." A man said.

"Maybe someone's backing them up? A foreign nation?" We all guessed.

"That's the weird part. Why would a nation stoop that low and contact a group of teens to do the job. This just shows how kids can also become terrorists." I piped in.

We then had a meeting with Sherwood-san. "As you can see, we have a big problem on our hands. We need to jump in and stop this attack from happening." She said.

"What about canceling the summit?" One offered.

"I don't think so. It'll be embarrassing for Ostania's ruling party. We will be playing right into the hands of the opposition." She said.

She then pointed at some agents. "I want you guys to leak some info so that the officials know how to avoid this problem as well." 

She then looked at dad. "And I'm afraid you will have to stay for longer." "Understood." Dad nodded.

"The relationship between the East and West are on the lines. If even a peep of this goes out or even an attempted assassination could ruin this. We need to go, whatever it takes." Sherwood-san said.

I just stared at my shoes as I listened. -I knew something bad was gonna happen.-

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