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Somewhere is Westails, there was a meeting that was being conducted. 

"One of our diplomats in Ostania was killed in a car wreck. We assume it was an assassination by the far right wing politcial party. 

They want war between both our nations. We need to know what the East is planning." Another man then spooked up. 

"We should send 'them' on this very important mission. They are the best spies and agents we have. 'Twilight' and 'Midnight'." He finished off.

Somewhere else in Westails, a young girl about the age of 13 with an appearance of 13 year old too was waiting patiently on a tall, abandoned building with a sniper rifle locked and loaded and ready to attack her target. 

The young girl's code name is Agent Midnight, her real name, lost and long forgotten.

Just then, she saw something move through the scope of the rifle. 

2 men, dressed in mostly black with a trench coat appeared, both holding a briefcase.

Midnight then placed her finger on the trigger and waited for a little. 

Once she found the right moment, she shot 4 bullets, both going right through the mans' head and heart. 

"Bullseye." She smirked.

She packed up and looked around to see if she let anything behind that could indicate that she was there. 

She jumped from the roof top to the emergency stairwells and onto the floor with ease. 

Once Midnight arrived at the bloody scene, she looked around to see if there was any witness. 

Once the coast was clear, she snatched the 2 briefcases and walked away.

Once she turned the corner, she crouched down right beside a pile of boxes and opened the briefcases. 

In one, there was a huge amount of cash and in the other one, there was a large amount of some sort of substance which was her mission. 

"Well, my work here is done." Midnight then looked at her watch. 

"Hm, it's 3 p.m. now so students should be heading home." She muttered.

She quickly changed out of her outfit and into a school uniform. 

She then packed all the money and substances into a backpack and wore it on her back and started to head out to the main streets. 

The main streets were packed with people going home from work and school. 

Midnight weaved in between the people to the train station. Once she arrived, she started to walk down the platform.

As she did so, she saw a shop that was selling some meat buns. Though, it was a cover up. It was one of the Westalian Intelligence's many informants. 

The Westalian Intelligence Services' Eastern-Focused Division is the main division which is where Midnight and Twilight work. Their job is to keep peace between the 2 nations.

Anyways, the meat bun shop had the organization's logo posted on the side which means that there is a mission that needs to be taken care of. 

Midnight walked up to the cashier and smiled, acting like a normal school girl. 

"Greetings. I would like to order 2 meat buns please." The old man selling the meat buns looked at the young girl and smiled. "Alright, coming right up." He answered.

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