76. Crowns & Truths

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Taelon walked down the aisle, swords falling behind him as he moved to the stage, to Nyra and his children. They smiled back at him, all dressed up, smiles on their faces as Taelon felt like Viserys was robbed of too many good years he could have had.

'May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." Septon Eustace began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Ser Harold stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." Ser Harold spoke as Taelon knelt before him awaiting the crown be placed on his head. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Taelon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Harold announced putting the crown on Taelon's head. He rose up and looked to his family. They bowed and curtsied to him. Taelon wished Tommen was here to see this. 

''All hail His Grace, Taelon, first of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"All hail the king."

"Long live the king!"

"All hail king Taelon." 

Taelon looked to Aemond as Alicent and her children stood behind his own children and Nyra. He wanted them to know that they were safe and secure, he wanted them at the palace, he wanted them with him. They would never be pushed away. They were still family.

After Taelon coronation and their fathers burning Taelon hoped for some peace. But then he saw Tommen walking through the front gates. He couldnt believe his eyes, Tommen was dead but here he was.

"What the hell mate!" Tommen declared, Taelon could see the burns on his arms still fresh from the fires. "You didnt wait for me before your coronation."

"Do you... see him?" Taelon rasped. "Am I seeing things? I must me." Taelon murmured. 

"I see him." Emma agreed and Taelon ran forward lunging into Tommen. 

"Oh, ouch, pain." Tommen remarked as Taelon let him go. 

"I thought, I went to Harenhall. I looked for you... Tommen I don't understand." Taelon rasped hugging him more gently. 

"I'm a great jumper, land on my feet most of the time." Tommen reminded him. "But damn if those fires werent hot. I tried to get to harwin and my father but... your father... you are the fucking king, I feel like I should bow but Taelon I'm injured I can bow in a moon alright?" Tommen mused as Taelon hugged him again. 

"I missed you brother." Taelon declared. 

"Is Taelon my father?" Aemond whispered. Alicent stared down at him. "Its okay if he is. I want him to be." Aemond remarked. "The previous king didnt love us. Taelon does." Alicent looked to Taelon and Tommen joyously reconnecting. 

"Yes." Alicent agreed and Nyra felt her heart stop. "But you can't tell anyone."

"Can I tell my father I know?" Aemond countered. 

"Yes, I think Taelon would like that." Alicent agreed. 

"YOU FUCKED TAELON!" Nyra screamed out, Alicent spun around her face going pale. 

"I... we..." Alicent rasped nervously. 

"You, him. WHAT!" Nyra spat back marching towards her. 

"It was before," Alicent whispered. 

"Before?" Nyra countered. 

"Before you and him were wed." She offered hoping that would help but she saw Fire in Nyra's eyes. 

"Oh no what's that about?" Tommen questioned as Aemond ran up to Taelon. 

"I know." Aemond declared proudly. Then Taelon understood Nyra's shouts. 

"What does he know?" Tommen countered. 

"Aemond is mine." Taelon admitted as Aemond hugged him. 

"Aemond is... of fuck." Tommen declared. "Fuck, fuck, fuckity-"

"I get it." Taelon agreed gruffly as he took a step forward he felt his heartbeats ricocheting round his chest.

"You always wanted what I had. Always." Nyra spat. 

"It wasnt like that." Alicent corrected she glanced back at Taelon. "We... it just... happened."

"How does something like that just happen!" Nyra countered. 

Nyra didnt know what took over her, she felt rage and fury like no other and Nyra shoved Alicent off the balconys edge. Alicent's scream echoed as she fell....


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