7. Failed

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As the joust raged on the Queen Aemma was in a different kind of war. Aemma's screams and wails echoed but everyone was having to grand of a time to notice.

'What's happening?' Aemma questioned nervously as she panted for breath.

'The infant is in breech, Your Grace.'

'All attempts to turn the babe have failed.' They told her solemnly so her screams continued she was going to lose another child.

'Do something for her!' Viserys demanded when Mellos told him of Aemma's condition.

'We've given her as much milk of the poppy as we can without risking the child. Your Queen is a strong woman. She's fighting with all her might, but it may not be enough.' Viserys left the joust quickly he couldn't lose another chance at another son.

'No!' Aemma screamed out still trying to get the child from her womb.

'Aemma. Aemma... I'm here. I'm here.' Viserys coed coming to her side.

'Help me, please...' Aemma whispered through pained breaths.

'I'm here. It's all right. It's all right.' Viserys coed but men could never understand the pain of labor.

'I don't wanna do this.' Aemma murmured

'You're going to be all right. You're going to be all right.'


Metal struck down hard as the contenders were getting violent, lunging from their horses and taking their losses to heart, mutilating their competitors.

'Kill him!'

'And the day grows ugly.'

'I wonder if this is how we should celebrate the birth of our future king.'

' Hm?'

'With wanton violence.'

'It's been 70 years since King Maegor's end.' Rhaenys reminded them 'These knights are as green as summer grass. None have known real war. Their lords sent them to the tourney field with fists full of steel and balls full of seed, and we expect them to act with honor and grace. It's a marvel that war didn't break out at first blood.'

Taelon yawned out.

"Bored brother?" Nyra asked, he scooted his chair towards her whispering in his ear.

"Tourneys are for men that want to show they can win against other cunts looking for a trophy and recognition." Taelon told her. "What they don't realize is the moment- if ever- they are in a real fight they are going to expect there to be rules. One at a time, waiting until you are ready... that's not realistic, that's why Daemon loves it. Because he is dumb cunt with minimal skills." Taelon went on.

"Taelon!" Nyra laughed out.

'Mellos.' Viserys exclaimed

'Your Grace. If you would.' Mellos said urging the king away from his wife. 'During a difficult birth, it sometimes becomes necessary for the father... to make an impossible choice.'

'Well, speak it.' Viserys said urgently.

'To sacrifice one... or to lose them both. There is a chance that we can save the child. A technique is taught at the Citadel, which involves cutting directly into the womb to free the infant.' Mellos told him and Viserys listened intently. 'But the resulting blood loss...'

'Seven Hells, Mellos.' Viserys muttered he couldn't sacrifice his wife... could he? 'You can save the Aemma?' Viserys questioned.

'We must either act now or leave it with the gods.' Mellos told him.

"Could you save her?" Viesrys demanded. "Save her! Save my WIFE!"

"Save the queen, at all cost." Mellos instructed.


'Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Ser Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!' they declared and the crowd broke out in cheers as the competitors got ready.

'Viserys.' Aemma questioned in a hazy state.

'Yes?' she looked to him confused as they started to hold her down. ''They're going to bring the babe out now... try to get it out... try to save you.'

'Mm.' she didn't understand.

'I love you.'

'Ooh.' Her moans and screams amplified. 'What is happening?'

'No, it's all right.' Viserys assured, "They need to reach in and pull him out... they need to get him out he can't stay in there." Viserys remarked.

'No... something doesn't feel right...' Aemma struggled under their tight hold.

'No, it's all right.' Viserys assured. "Its going to be uncomfortable... but they are trying to save you, Aemma. It's all right.' He kept repeating trying to convince himself the same thing. He had heard of women being ripped apart this way as well. Either cut her open and lose her or pry the child out, lose him. He picked Aemma. Save Aemma. He had a son, he wouldn't lose his wife.

'Viserys, please.'

'It's all right.'

'No, I'm scared.' Aemma whispered as she felt them trying to yank the child free. "Something isn't..."

'Don't be scared.' Viserys told her but she started to scream Aemma shouted screaming and gripping at Viserys pleading with him. "There is no other way... you are going to be fine." Viserys assured but her nails were digging into him as they tried to free the babe twisting him around inside  her, trying to pull him out, to save Aemma.


'Sword!' Daemon demanded.

'Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue in a contest of arms!' Master of revels declared to the crowd as they started a hand to hand, sword to sword duel.

"Of course he does. Small cock, big ego." Taelon mused and Nyra stared at up him. Taelon was perfection. He noticed her staring and he winked back at her and she turned her gaze forward.

The men grunted as they shuffled around the sandy ground, the crowds cheering echoing with the clattering of their swords.

'Yield. Yield.' Daemon said calmly, he was on his back, Cole's sword pointed down at him but Daemon just chuckled.

"Ha!' Taelon jumped up. "Give this man an award!" Taelon declared.

'Gods. He's Dornish.'

'I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor.' Cole said coming up to the viewing box, Rhaenyra smiled down at him.

'I wish you luck, Ser Criston.' Rhaenyra said dropping her favor down

'Princess.' He replied with a charming smile. But Nyra's gaze was already flickering to Taelon, a smug look on his chiseled face.


"I'm sorry your grace-"

'You said you could save her." Viserys hissed.

"I said we would do everything we could."

'They are both gone." Viserys hissed. "You said-"

"Pregnancies are difficult... dangerous, the queen had many miscarriages, her body wasn't strong enough to handle it... the boy ripped right through her." Mellos told him. "Did you and the queen have a name?'

"Baelon." Viserys whispered still clinging to Aemma's hand.

"I'm sorry your grace."

Labyrinth // Rhaenyra Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now