73. Lost

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Vaemond Velaryon spoke for his niece's funeral as they prepared her casket to be sent to sea. As was the Velaryon way. Taelon however was at Harenhal grieving his brother and friend. Searching through the rubble he couldnt believe it. He couldnt believe that Tommen was gone.

Taelon was at harrenhal, how could he not? Tommen was his brother. Laena he barely knew. Nyra wanted to go with him but Viserys begged otherwise. Thorin and Taelon went to harenhall, searching through the rubble. Taelon searched out as he looked for a sign that those bodies were not Tommen. He couldnt tell, it was charred, the body before him. He touched the burned skin and couldnt tell. How could he not tell if this was his brother, Tommen?

Because he didnt want to believe that Tommen was dead.

"We will find..." Thorin began but it was a mess, broken down and destroyed. There was nothing but burned skin, the smell of the crispy flesh and embers still hot from the fires the night before. Thorin had never seen his father such a mess. Frantically looking around for his brother, any sign that he might still be alive. They looked and looked, Taelon didnt even know what he was looking for. Tommen's life, his things his room were at the capital. He brought a simple bag, barely anything. Tommen knew he was coming back. Taelon should have forbid him from leaving.

''We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady Laena of house Valeryon to the eternal waters and domination of the Merling king where he will guard her for all her days to come as she sets to see for final voyage the lady Laena leaves to true born daughters on the shore though their mother will not return from her voyage they will all remain bound together in blood salt courses through velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin.'' Damon chuckled at that. And at that her casket was sent into the waters. Daemon was also in a better mood seeing that Taelon was not here.

''My gentleness may the winds be as strong as your back you were sees as calm as your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. The sea we shall return.'' Daemon's daughters stood with their grandmother while Daemon was impatient to get on with it. After hearing of the fires he wasnt surprised that Taelon wasnt here, he was surprised that Rhaenyra was. Perhaps there was trouble in paradise... lucky Daemon.


''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra asked coming up to Jace and Emma. 

"He's not back, we should have went with." Emma declared. 

''I know." Nyra agreed. "But... Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Nyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters.

''I have an equal claim to sympathy.'' Jace countered loudly. 

''We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Uncle Tommen, Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.'' Emma agreed.

''I know but your father is not in a good place right now, he needs some time to grieve his brother." Nyra reminded them as Luke and Nymeria ran around confused at why there were so many sad faces. 

"Can't we grieve him too?" Emma countered. 

"Of course, of course we can..." Nyra agreed running a hand through her hair. 

''Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black; dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread. Hand turns loom; spool of green..." Helaena remarked finding a spider on the ground she eased it into her hand

"I almost thought mother would have the nerve to marry Helaena to me." Aegon declared. "We have nothing in common. I don't know what Thorin sees in her."

"She is Thorin's future queen. They named him the rightful heir of Taelon. You should be nicer to Helaena. She is our sister." Aemond reminded him.

"Yes and while Thorin is gone I can be a miscrient and not have him judging me." Aegon agreed. He adored Thorin, they were the best of friends but Thorin had a good head on his shoulders and was being more responsible as he aged. Aegon didnt see the fun in responsible.

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