47. Promise Me

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A place in this world // Helaena Targaryen out now!

''In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you. I know this union is not what you would choose. I hold nothing against you, cousin. No, I... Rather... Dare I say it is a matter of taste? I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why. It's, it's not for a lack of trying.'' Rhaenyra offered awkwardly. 

''There are those who like goose very well.'' Laenor offered confused.

''I find it a bit greasy for my taste. I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine." Rhaenyra offered as her and Laenor walked the shores of driftmark.

''And what do you propose?''

''That we perform our duty to our fathers and to the realm and when it's done... each of us dines as we see fit.'' Rhaenyra offered. She hoped that perhaps this could appease Taelon. That if her and Taelon were to... then if she fell pregnant it wouldnt matter, she would be wed and all would be fine, even if she wasnt wed to the man she always wanted. 


Alicent had never felt more loved. She didnt think she left Taelon's bed the whole time Viserys and Rhaenyra were gone. She could imagine that Taelon was her husband and that her life was this perfect. 

She stared back at Taelon as he got dressed. So much she wanted to say and yet she couldnt say anything. 

"They will be home today." Taelon remarked. ALicent nodded. He looked back at her, sheets still wrapped around her. "I had fun." Taelon remarked. 

"Me too." She whispered back. He tapped his finger on the bed frame before getting up. 

"I'm sorry if I... made anything... I won't say anything." Taelon assured. Alicent nodded, she knew he wouldnt. She wanted him though. But she knew was a good man, would be a good king one day. 

"I... hope you find... the girl from your drawings." Alicent offered softly. "You were always the man of my dreams but... I know I'm not your dream girl."

"You are wonderful Alicent." Taelon assured. He turned his head at the horses coming. "Best get dressed." Taelon handed her, her dress. 


''Ser Criston... you've been summoned.''

''I left the Princess just minutes ago.'' Criston countered

''Not the Princess, ser. The Queen.''

"Ser Criston, Your Grace." A handmaiden said as the door swung open, Criston took cautious steps into the queens chambers.

''That will be all.'' Alicent agreed and passed off her screaming daughter, she tried with her children, but they were difficult, she tried to bond with them, she tried so hard. ''I fear I must question you on a, on a delicate matter, Ser Criston.''

''I am your servant as always, my Queen.''

''It concerns our dear Princess Rhaenyra. Please.'' Alicent pat the spot next to her and waited for him to sit next to her. hesitantly he removed his sword from his hip and sat stiffly next to her.

''You are her sworn protector and rightly loyal to her.'' Alicent remarked.

''I am.''

''The night of Daemon's return... there's been a rumor... or rather, my father received an accounting of... a lapse of morals that may have occurred between... It is, of course, unthinkable for me to question the virtue of the Princess, whom I hold in highest regard, but, I-I, I did, however, wonder if... I'm not unaware that in flush of youth... there may be errors made...'' Alicent didn't know how to say it but she needed to know her father was a good and right man. She ignored the fact that she technically had slept with her now son. This was about her father. Alicent let out a long sigh as she looked to Criston. 

She felt like a hypocrite. After what she did with Taelon but still she had to know.

''breaches in resolve, breaches, or rather lapses...''

"I don't know what you mean, your grace." Criston answered honestly. 


"No. I was at her door, all night. I dont know how she got around me. Regretful on my part but I... I never..." Criston didnt want to say it, because he didnt want to spread truth to that. 


"Taelon!" Nyra declared stopping his door from closing. "Stop. Talk to me."

"You are to marry Laenor. I think I might take Gaena and Davina up on their offer." 

"No." Nyra begged. "Taelon please. I love you. I have always loved you. I made a mistake. I spoke with Laenor and we came to an understanding." 

"What sort of understanding?" Taelon asked confused. She looked to the door her foot still blocking it, his hand still attempting to close it. He took a step back letting her in. 

"Taelon I love you. I want you. I was stupid. I admit it but Laenor... we can love who we love and try for a child as need be." Nyra offered. 


"Laenor has a lover, he can keep his. I don't want to lose you I want to love you for the rest of my life." Nyra whimpered. "And if I can't have you as that then I need you as my brother. My friend. The person I go to when I need a hug or need to tell a secret to." Nyra felt tears on her face. "Taelon I love you. Please, I need you back. Don't let this be the end of us." 

"Nyra." Taelon wiped at her cheeks. 

"Taelon please. You promised you promised me I would always have you. Don't break that promise." Nyra sobbed. 

"Nyra love." Taelon whispered hugging her tight. 

"Please, please... don't break that promise. Don't let this be the end of us."

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