32. Thorin

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''Daemon! Gods who is going to tell daemon!'' Tommen declared.

"Does Daemon know? I'm assuming not." Taelon remarked.

"I havent seen him in years." Rhae informed him. Thorin opened his mouth giving Taelon a big wet kiss before smiling back at him, Thorin started giggling. Rhae watched them for a moment, the smile on both their faces.

"I think he likes me." Taelon declared making faces down at Thorin.

Taelon didn't know if Rhae wanted him to be a part of Thorin's life. But why else would she tell him? Taelon hadnt thought much about being a father, at all really. But Thorin was so cute, a big lad already. For every face Taelon made Thorin mimicked him.

Rhae didnt know what she wanted either. She knew he had a right to know about Thorin but she also knew he was the heir, the crowned prince. She was his uncles wife. Claiming Thorin as his would stir up some trouble. Get Rhae and Thorin hurt if Daemon came back. But her marriage to Daemon was never consummated, perhaps in the eyes of the Gods it wouldnt matter. They could get their union annulled. Rhae could... she was crazy for even thinking it. Thinking that Taelon might want her. He was on his tour right now, trying to find a wife though. He was on tour and he stopped, came from Dorne for her.

"Tommen, can you give a moment?" Taelon asked as Thorin pulled at Taelon's hair.

"Sure, sure, don't you two crazy kids have too much fun." Tommen mused heading out. Taelon rolled his eyes before looking to Rhae.

"You want to sit?" Rhae asked moving to the couch. Taelon moved with her.

"Do you... want me to be a part of Thorin's life?" Taelon asked softly.

"Do you want to be a part of Thorin's life?" Rhae countered. Taelon looked at Thorin again as he smiled a big cheeky smile at Taelon.

"Rhae... the choice is yours." Taelon reminded her. "You have a life and reputation to uphold. I messed that up, I'm sorry for it." Taelon told her honestly. "So if you want to pretend like Thorin is Daemon's. If you want me to be uncle Taelon or nothing at all," Taelon went on. "I will respect that."

"Do you want to be a part of Thorin's life?" Rhae asked again.

"I would like that." Taelon admitted. "In any way you both will have me." Rhae felt a shaky breath leave her lungs. Why did Taelon had to be so perfect? Why did he have to be perfect in every way shape and form... he was letting her decide. He was going to respect what she wanted.

"I know this is probably a lot." Taelon remarked. "You can take your time." Taelon assured. "I got all the time in the world."

"If I say that I want you. I want Thorin to know you as his father and I want to kiss you again, I want to fuck you again. What would you say to that?" Rhae asked.

"I would say not in front of Thorin." Taelon mused.

"I'm serious." Rhae chuckled.

"So am I." Taelon assured. "Thorin doesnt need to see or hear all the ways I can make his mother moan."

"I want you in Thorin's life." Rhae whispered bringing a hand to Taelon's cheek. She rested her forehead against his. "I want him to know you as his father."

"Then I'm here." Taelon agreed.

"What about your tour to find a bride?" Rhae countered. Taelon shrugged.

"I was never going to pick a bride." Taelon informed her.

"No?" Rhae questioned softly.

"No." He agreed kissing her. "Hold on." Taelon said putting Thorin back in his crib. "Take a nap." Taelon instructed Thorin. He giggled up at Taelon.

"You don't know much about children do you?" Rhae asked kindly.

"Not a bit." Taelon agreed laying her back on the couch. Her arms wrapped around him keeping him to her as he pulled at her dress and she fumbled with his pants.


"I was wondering when you would emerge, you make another little one?" Tommen mused.

"Quite possibly." Taelon remarked.

"Man, your father is going to kill you. Then Daemon is going to kill you again." Tommen remarked.

"Is not, he wanted to strengthen the Targaryen line. I already did without knowing it." Taelon countered. "A son too. Father will be proud."

"Rhae is Daemon's wife, not yours."

"Father did not specify that the woman had to be my wife. He said strengthen the line, if anything it is his fault." Taelon countered.

"Right, right, lets tell him that." Tommen agreed.

"I was providing Rhae with a service that my uncle was failing at. I was just being a good guy. Since when is that a crime?" Taelon retorted.

"You gonna wed her?" Tommen asked and Taelon's face scrunched up. "Come on you can't still be hung up on this mystery woman at the capital, can you?"

"No." Taelon lied. "But she is already wed."

"So are we finishing the tour or just staying in runestone until your father sends guards to hunt you down?" Tommen asked innocently. Taelon scratched at his neck debating that.

"She said she wants me to be a part of Thorin's life." Taelon remarked.

"You are not seriously thinking of staying here?" Tommen countered.

"I mean... I don't think bringing them to the capital is that good of an idea." Taelon countered.

"Bad idea. Bad idea." Tommen remarked. "And thats coming from me."

"I'm just saying... what do I do?" Taelon declared. "I already missed out on his first year. I want to be there for him. For them both."

"Especially if you just gave her another one." Tommen said with a nudge. "Oh, I got a few ravens from the capital. Best thought to ignore them all but..." Tommen handed them over.

"Fantastic." Taelon opened the first one. "Fuck..." He whispered. "Father wants me back at the tour or else he is picking a bride for me."

"Figured it wasnt good. That's why I was avoiding it." Tommen agreed.

"If We are not in the reach within the next... moon..." Taelon murmured. Taelon threw down the scrolls as Taelon got up and headed back to the castle.

"Where are you going?"

"To figure this out." Taelon remarked with a shrug. Rhae was singing to Thorin, lulling him to sleep.

"Hi." Rhae whispered tucking Thorin in.

"You have a lovely voice." Taelon remarked.

"Thank you." She turned to him only to see his pinched face. "What's wrong?"

"I got... a raven..." Taelon remarked softly. "From my father..."

"He's not happy about your detour I presume." Rhae remarked.

"Not happy at all." Taelon agreed.

"So I suppose you are leaving." Rhae remarked turning back to Thorin.

"He says I have a moon to get to the Reach or he picks a bride for me." Taelon informed her.

"I understand." Rhae remarked still not looking at him.

"I'm... sorry." Taelon whispered coming up behind her.

"I knew this wasnt forever." Rhae assured.

"I still want to be a part of Thorin and your life." Taelon remarked. "It's just... I'm... Rhae I'm sorry. I need to finish this tour. Appease my father. Eyrie is last, I will be back and I can spend more time here."

"It's alright Taelon. I get it."

"No, this isnt... Rhae I want to be a part of Thorin's life. I want to be a father to him. I just have to deal with my father first." Taelon assured her.

"When will you be back?" Rhae asked softly.

"As soon as I can."

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