58. Damn Duck

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Jump then fall // Jaime Lannister x Jurassic world crossover!

Unfinished business // Sandor Clegane out now!

"This is fun, a real hunt with the boys." Taelon remarked patting Harwin's back.

"I'm a man now daddy." Thorin corrected.

"What was it that Anthony used to say?" Tommen mused. "You are not a man until your first fuck."

"Babies." Taelon reminded covering Thorin's ears too late.

"Until I have a duck?" Aegon countered. "Why does that make me a man?" Taelon burst out laughing.

"Yes, a duck." Tommen agreed, right on cue. "Ducks... they are..." Tommen twisted his lips debating. What was the purpose of a duck? He knew the purpose of a fuck... "Taelon, enlighten them." Tommen requested.

"You got this." Taelon corrected.

"I... don't." Tommen murmured. "Oh look!" Tommen declared pointing to nothing in the distance but both Thorin and Aegon turned, heads whipping around.

"A duck!" Taelon agreed. "We hunt a duck, kill a duck and you are a man." Tommen nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, see," he nudged Taelon. "I knew you were the smart one."

"Sometimes I wonder how we are related." Harwin remarked.

"I wonder that all the damn time." Tommen agreed.

"Im gonna get a duck.'' Thorin declared taking off.

''Me too!'' Aegon chased after him.

''Cute. Look at them the best of friends and going to inseparable like us in no time.'' Taelon remarked.

"Aemond is a handsome little lad, you think they are going to get along with Nyra's little?" Tommen mused and Taelon faltered in his step and Harwin walked into him not seeing him stop. 

"Sorry my prince." Harwin said as Taelon cleared his throat and moved forward. 

"How many times do I have to tell you," Tommen began. "It is Taelon, none of that prince bullshit around us." Tommen nudged Taelon with a smirk. 

Taelon forced a laugh in agreement. Why would Tommen say that? Why would he compare Aemond to Nyra's future child? That didnt mean anything, they were just going to be close in age. 

"You alright?" Tommen questioned as Taelon looked to Thorin and Aegon chasing after a duck. It quacked out as they ran arms outstretched reaching for it. 

"Yeah, Aemond... he seems alright, right?" Taelon asked and Tommen stared back at him. 

"He's a baby. He's shit and sleep and suck tits until they are high on milk." Tommen agreed. "Why wouldnt he be?" 

"Just, fathers arm. You know, everything, everything... just want to make sure the new children, my nephews and nieces are... I mean siblings, I mean no thats right..." Taelon agreed with a sigh. 

"Whats the matter with you?" Tommen questioned again. 

"I just want to make sure they are taken care of. Have a good strong role model in their lives." Taelon remarked. 

"Strong you say?" Tommen declared as he pat Harwin's back. "That's us."

"I want to look out for them. Love them, train them as though... they were... my..." Taelon stammered out his words awkwardly. 

"Your own?" Harwin suggested. 

"What? No they are not mine, not my seed. That's crazy." Taelon told him seriously as they followed after Thorin and Aegon. 

"Since the kings ales keep him... restricted." Harwin offered. "To be a metaphorical father to them." Harwin clarified. 

"YES!" Taelon declared. "That's, yes. Harwin you are so smart."

"Said no one ever." Tommen murmured with a cheeky grin. 

"Damn duck." Thorin shouted. "Can we pick a different creature to hunt? To make us a man?" THorin called back staring up at Taelon. 

"Gotta be a duck." Taelon corrected. 

"Damn duck." Thorin muttered turning back to Aegon. "Find the damn duck, today we are men!" Thorin demanded. 

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