60. Just One

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Taelon stared down at the egg. Thorin picked it up holding it high. 

Just one dragon egg. 

Aemond didnt have an egg. Taelon wanted to give it to Aemond. But what if another egg didnt come for his and Nyra's child? He felt a mental dilemma like no other. Aemond was his, Aemond was his child and he wanted him to have a dragon but to the world Aemond was his brother. Nyra was his wife, carried his child. He would just have to hope they had another batch and soon and Aemond would get the next one. 

But he felt the weight of that egg like a boulder in his hand. HIs feet were going where is brain had already decided against but he found himself knocking on Aemond's door. Taelon peered in seeing Alicent humming to Aemond. 

Alicent didnt like Aegon and Helaena. Not really. She would always love them deep, deep down but... she had been a child. Viserys was a grown man and his council applauded at their bedding when he mounted her. 

She was his wife, but it felt like... she didnt want it. SHe didnt want him. She remembered holding back the tears as he forced his way in. She remembered crying into her pillow after every useless fuck. 

So when Aegon and Helaena came she could only see Viserys forcing himself upon his new wife. But looking at Aemond she saw a night of love and lust and passion. She saw Taelon. 

It was like she could feel him lips on her, his hands on her, then she felt a real hand, warm on her arm and she jumped nervously. 

"Sorry." Taelon declared taking a step back. "Just brought an egg for Aemond." He remarked putting it down on the fire. 

"Oh, thank you." ALicent whispered trying to slow her racing heart. 

"Are you alright, Alicent?" Taelon questioned stepping closer. 

"I'm fine." She lied. 

"I'm an excellent secret keeper." Taelon reminded her. "If you wanted to get something off your chest." he offered. 

"Would you like to hold him?" Alicent countered. 

"I suppose I should get used to it." Taelon teased taking Aemond from her. Alicent watched the smile grow on Taelon's face as he held Aemond. 

"You are a good father." Alicent whispered taking a seat beside him. "To Thorin," She clarified when she saw the panic in his eyes. "A good... brother." She added. 

"The egg," Taelon declared nodding to the fire. "It needs to be turned a quarter frequently, daily, I was thinking I would come in and tend to it before it hatches... if thats alright?" 

"That's perfect." Alicent agreed. 

"Spend time with Aemond..." He added. 

"Whenever you want. He is your family." Alicent reminded him. 

Taelon felt pride in his sons. Thorin was a fine lad, got on great with Aegon. Aemond was little now but Taelon suspected him to grow up strong and healthy, taller than Aegon he supposed. Then the child in Nyra's stomach. 

The egg. Fuck. 

"Was there any?" Nyra asked smiling back at Taelon. 

"There... was." Taelon offered cautiously. Nyra waited for the reveal but Taelon came in empty handed before closing the door. 

"Well?" Nyra asked as he pulled her into his arms. 

"There was one." Taelon remarked. Nyra blinked back at him curiously. "I gave it to Aemond." 

"Why?" Nyra countered confused. "Did you forget, your child is growing in me. RIght now. And this little baby is going to want a dragon." Nyra reminded him. 

"Already saw Rok and Syrax going at it when I left, heard rather." Taelon corrected. "Gods those two." he chuckled. 

"Taelon," Nyra whined. "What if-"

"Aemond doesnt have an egg. He deserves it, does he not?" Taelon countered and Nyra nodded begrudgingly. 

"Why do you have such a big heart?" Nyra questioned. 

"Just for my family." Taelon corrected. 

"I was thinking of names." Nyra remarked as Taelon pulled her closer. "What do you think of Jacaerys?" 

"Good name, strong name." Taelon agreed. "And if its a little girl?" 

"You want a girl?" Nyra questioned surprised still. 

She had wanted to ask if Taelon's heir was going to be THorin or if it would be a son of her own womb. But Taelon was going to live forever so she didnt want to think about that. 

"I want a little girl." Taelon agreed. "Father is probably praying for a grandson. He likes Thorin but he doesnt want him to inherited the throne. I don't think any of the council is too happy with me." Taelon murmured laying back on the bed. 

"Otto was the problem." Nyra corrected. "The rest of the council adores you. I do." She reminded him bringing a hand around and running her fingers along his sharp jawline. HIs hand moved up and down her stomach. 

"Otto is gone and I'm proving him right." Taelon murmured kissing her shoulder. 

"You are not." 

"Father still isnt happy with us." Taelon reminded her. "It's been moons of false pleasantries." 

"Then we pray for a boy?" Nyra offered. 

"I want a little girl, just like you." Taelon assured. "Despite fucking the best friend, she won't inherit that unfortunate trait." That applied for both of them unfortunately. 

"I can apologize a million times." Nyra offered turning to face him. "I love you and only you for as long as I have lived." She reminded him kissing his chest. Lips and teeth dragging along his muscled chest and abdomen. 

"I should be the one pleasuring you. You are pregnant." Taelon remarked. 

"Yet you look like you need it more." Nyra countered kissing down the grove of his thigh and hip. 

"You didnt tell me a name for a possible girl." Taelon reminded her. 

"I don't want you thinking about other women while my mouth is on your cock."

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