Chapter Fifty: Meeting Someone New

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"Dammit! How the fuck am I losing in go-fish?!" Kuusuke furrowed his brows and glanced up at you.

"Maybe you're just bad at the game." You shrugged, tossing down another pair.

The game continued slowly with you winning 10 to 1 in the end.

"I'm going to kill you-"

Kusuo suddenly walked back into the living room, making the mood immediately depressing.

"I have a friend coming over. I think Y/N and her will get along."

"Maybe you should let Y/N go hang out with her own friends." Kuusuke sarcastically rolled his eyes and gathered up the cards.

"Maybe you should kill yourself." He glared deeply at the older sibling whose mouth was open to fire back an insult before a knock at the door released the tension that was rapidly building in the room.

"Kusuo~" A sweet voice purred from the other side of the door.

Hello, Chiyo." Kusuo opened the door and greeted the stranger inside. The girl who stood in the doorway carried a strangely large and concerning duffel bag that was barely zipped and stuffed to its brim.

"Where is your girlfriend? I'm so happy for you, Kusuo! I can't believe you got a date before me..." The brown-haired girl seemed to bounce all over the place before her eyes landed on you. 

"It's Y/N, she's over there. I hope you two get along. She hasn't been feeling good as of late."

"Aw! Aren't you just the cutest! You're the new student in our class too!" The stranger leaped over to you and started pinching your cheeks like an aunt on Christmas Day. The bag she had was dropped next to her with a comically loud thud. 

You hesitated to speak for a moment, worried that you would make a fool of yourself in front of her.

"W-We're in the same class?" That was all you could pathetically stutter out. 

"Of course! You've been really busy talking to your friends but I noticed you a while ago!" 

You couldn't describe the stranger in a normal way. She was like Teruhashi but...something was off.

"W-What was your, uhm, name?" Your voice faltered in the slightest presence of this girl.

"You can call me Chiyo. And you're Y/N, right?"

You nodded slowly.

"Argh! If it wasn't for me being straight, I think I'd take you for myself!" She giggled happily.

Kusuo raised a suspicious eyebrow before glancing over at his brother. Kuusuke, on the other hand, was paying no mind to the three younger kids.

"Saiki," Chikyo purred out smoothly, "We're going to your room to get Y/N out of these nasty clothes."

It would have offended you under normal circumstances but she was right. You'd been wearing the same outfit for at least 72 hours and that basement floor wasn't the cleanest surface.


"Are you mad your 'girlfriend' is bonding with the girl you brought over for her to bond with?" Kuusuke rolled his eyes while his younger brother threw a hissy fit.

"No! I planned for this but...there's something in my room that I don't want them to find!" Kusuo tapped his leg up and down anxiously while the TV blared on some random channel about American politics.

"Then why let them in your room? God, you really haven't changed since I've last seen you."


Chiyo was... indescribable.

Her bubbliness was like a magnet that only made you more interested in her.

"So, uhm, what's in the bag?" You finally worked up the courage to ask the peppy woman.

She let out a loud squeal before forcing you to sit on the ground next to her, "I'm so happy you asked! You see, Saiki told me he had a girlfriend and, of course, I was glad for him but, I mean, he's super hot and all so I was a little jealous and I really wanted to make it up to him ever since I had that giant crush on him and then immediately left him for another man and I was just really, really excited to meet you ever since you showed up and I figured now would be a perfect time!" 

You could barely make out what she was saying in between her short breaths of air to continue going.

"So...what's in the bag?" Asking one more time, you cautiously eyed her reaction before her grin impossibly widened even more.

"I wanted to make you look nice for Saiki since he said you hadn't been feeling yourself!"

"Ah...feeling like myself isn't the way I'd describe it..." You softly grumbled under your breath before watching Chiyo pull out an impossibly large mirror along with lots of makeup brands you've never seen before.

"I'm super glad you started dating Saiki! All of the girls in our class had a crush on him at one point but he never even glanced at us for more than 20 seconds! Everyone in the class thought he was gay!"

"Why do you guys idolize Kusuo so much? He's not really...different in any way besides one."

"Well, he's like the cool, popular guy you see everywhere in manga! The type of guy who would hate everyone except for you and protect you! Speaking of which, one time Saiki saved me from a bunch of rude guys on the beach! That was the only time I really felt something towards him."

Chiyo grinned before unfolding the mirror and searching through the makeup to find a palette that matched your skin tone.

"Why did you and Saiki start dating anyway? I mean, you both seem pretty unique and main-character-like."

You awkwardly laughed, trying to think of a normal way to word it that wouldn't get her killed for knowing that information. A nearly identical situation occurred with Vincent...It was your personal doctor that had been called up to check on your current state to make sure you weren't dying from the injuries he inflicted upon you.

You made the mistake of telling the doctor everything Vincent had done. And that got the doctor ripped apart right in front of you. The horrible memory only just resurfaced now when you were talking to the peppy girl.

In fact, the more time you were put in similar situations, the more your mind seemed to remember. Every second you had spent locked in with Vincent had been repressed to the deepest corners of your mind to simply ignore the tragic event was coming back.

And those memories might keep you safe now.

A/N: Expect parts to come out slower cause i have writers block lol

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