Chapter Thirty-Six: Foolish Authority

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"Police, on the ground, now!"

Was the last thing you could remember. You couldn't explain it. It just seemed to happen so quickly and so fluently that you were the middle of everything.

So, here you sat next to Kusuo, wrapped tightly in his arms. The lights brightly flashed while a few more cars passed by.

"Alright, kids, why don't you explain to me what happened."

Blinking a few times, you realized someone was speaking.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

A grown man sat next to you on your couch.

"When did we sit down...why are all of these people in my fuckin' house?!" Quickly standing up, the police officer grabbed your wrist.

"Come on, kid. Todays been rough for you. I just think you're still processing what happened so why don't you try to explain it all."

"I, uh, really feel like the author is running out of ideas right now but, I'll try my best..."

Racking your brain with the blurt events of the past few hours, you noticed Kusuo's face darken as you got deeper and deeper into it. Of course, you avoided any mentions of 'psychic' abilities. You didn't want to seem crazy again.

"Hm...alright kid." The officer then stood up, "my recommendation is to stay with someone you trust in case this nut case gets out again."

You nodded, clawing at your arm shamefully.

"I'm sure your boyfriend here wouldn't mind staying a few days, right?"

He turned to Kusuo. Your pink haired companion nodded lightly, turning to you. Another officer came up and dragged the interviewer away, leaving the two of you surrounded by people, yet still, you felt alone. Tears threatened to spill. You had come in contact with the person you hated the most in the world didn't even seem real. You rested your elbows on your knees and stared intently at the floor.

You felt...alone.



And most of all-

A pair of arms wrapped around your stomach and pulled you.

"...Kusuo?" You croaked. He didn't say anything. "" Through sniffles, you croaked out your words.

"Y/N..." The pink haired male suddenly spoke. A few policemen caught notice and paused awkwardly. "I love you."

Immediately, your apartment was quiet.

"...Kusuo, I love you too. You're such a sweet and good friend...I'm glad I met you."

Kusuo took a deep, slightly disappointed sigh as the others in the room shifted uncomfortably. A bunch of adults listening to a kid get friend zoned wasn't the nicest experience in the world.

"...She loves me too. Not like a friend. She just doesn't know it yet! I mean, why would she do everything like that if she didn't love me back! She could've gone with Vincent, she could've not responded, but no! She said she loved me too! And technically I'm her friend so...boyfriend. Same thing!"

With a calming smile, he tightened his hug.


A few more hours passed by and, after a few other questions, the apartment was quiet again. But not the good kind of quiet person where you can relax and enjoy the peacefulness. The kind of quiet where you knew something was coming.

"...Can you turn on the TV?" You softly asked, "It's, uh, little too quiet..."

Kusuo calmly let you go and reached for the remote, clicking it on.

The TV turned on a station with a professional looking woman staring at the camera.

"A recent criminal has come to light. After an attack on two Highschool students nearly 5 hours ago, the man responsible has been held in custody. Unfortunately, no further information about the situation has been released. Updates will be streamed here as time continues."

"...Kusuo..." You turned to him with a saddened expression.

The pink haired male opened his arms wide and pulled you into a hug, pressing your head against his chest.

"Let's get some rest, Y/N...midterms are coming up soon..."

With a small sigh, you watched the TV flash through different channels, finally landing on a movie.

"You know, all that dramatic build-up the author did...wasn't too exciting..." You mumbled out.

"It's okay, Y/N. People will still read this story. Now go to sleep, 4th wall breaking isn't aloud."

Leaning further into his hug, his heart beat sped up.

"Fuck. Damn it, I can't deal with this for much longer. What if someone else falls in love with Y/N? What if she gets hurt? What if something goes wrong!? Oh god, it'll all be my fault too because I failed to protect her. Damnit, I have to keep everyone dangerous away. I have to protect Y/N"

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