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Chicago was busy cleaning up his gun as a male voice gave him a quick summary on Nicholas Jones. Right now Chicago was fully in character, taking in every piece of information being delivered to him.

"Round it back, Neo. You said where is the fundraiser?"

"Column Square at the Knight tower. Follow me here Chicago," the young man on the other line snapped making Chicago roll his eyes as he loads his gun with bullets. "It started 2 hours ago and will end in an hour, thirty. I've emailed you all this information," he grumbled the last part.

"I read it. I just forgot the name but not the building. So, who will be there with him? Wife, kids, close family or friends?"

"Nick does not bring his family to these events. His wife does not like such things. So he will be alone....wait!" He exclaimed making Chicago exhale feeling defeated already as he hears some movement on the other side. "Oops! Sharon and Marcus will be there. They work with him at the bank so they may be moving around together a lot," he said.

Chicago shrugged as he rolled on the silencer on his gun.

"That's not a problem. Is that all because I need to get going," he declared waiting patiently for Neo to respond.

"You're meaning to tell me you're nowhere near the tower?" Neo practically screamed.

"Have I ever disappointed you?"

"No! But right now I think this is the first time you'll cause that disappointment. Wait, let me write this down. 20th of April 20..."

"Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence! Is that all Neo?"

Neo burst into laughter even as he said, "that is all."

Chicago dropped the phone, picking his tuxedo blazer completing his three piece. He looked absolutely stunning. Such a pity the only occasion it was was to claim Nicholas Jones life. Chicago had no clue in most cases why he killed the people he was ordered to kill. One important rule in this line of business is; never ask any questions it may cloud your judgement. The second one is; Research less on the target or else you might sympathize or get too attached which is bad for business.

The air in Brooklyn this night was cold but there was no rain nor snow. A perfect night to galavant. In this case to hunt. Chicago drove through the night in silence. He preferred silence for him to think and focus on the task at hand.

By the time he arrived at the tower only thirty minutes was left before the function was over. Chicago targeted to go in there when exactly fifteen minutes was left. His plan was quite simple. Event were easy with many endless possibilities.

He watched the few cars as they passed by, marking out any nearby cameras. And once fifteen minutes was over, he walked into the building crossing the road. As he thought, he found the a receptionist. A beautiful blonde woman in her early thirties.

"Evening ma'am. Sorry to disrupt you but I am a little lost. I am looking for the Christening Catholic church," he said glancing at his wrist watch.

"Oh!" The woman smiled. "It is actually on the opposite block. Twenty miles from the bookshop around the corner..."

Chicago's attention was taken by the group of people that started to exit the elevator. The function was clearly over.

"You've been of wonderful help. I never caught your name...."

"Melinda White," she said her thin pink lips still stretched into a smile.

Chicago flashes his charming smile.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," he said making the woman blush as she brushes her baby blue dress.

"Such a flirt but thank you," she said.

From the corner of his eye Chicago could see more people coming from the stairs and the elevator. Right, then Nicholas came out of the elevator with a woman wearing a red body hugging dress and a black bob hairstyle, next to her was a young man in a black tuxedo. Chicago assumed it was Sharon and Marcus.

"I couldn't be more grateful, Mel. I hope you have a lovely evening," he said flashing her one last smile.

And like that Chicago was going out of the building with a group of people he has never met before. Right there he got his opportunity as he pulled out his gun from the side of his trousers. A slight bump on Nicholas, his gun went off piercing the man's torso as he himself brushes past him.

He was a few feet away when he heard Sharon's piercing scream. Chicago's lips twitched into a small smile before it completely vanished as he crossed the road with another group of men who were too engrossed in their own conversation to care about the mayhem happening in front of the tower.

"Help! Help!" Sharon kept screaming as she watched Nicholas laying on the pavement his white shirt stained.

People were already gathering around Nicholas Jones while others who thought could help pried their way to the man.

And like that Chicago was in his car driving away from the scene. The place in Chicago's mind was the Catholic church. He knew there was a service held there till midnight. He told Melinda he was going to church so church was the place he was going.

Chicago cannot remember the last time he went to church. His mother used to say people will pray to a cow cause they are indeed of guidance, so an imaginary friend is even better. But Chicago went to church a few times. Once with his friend Devon when he was ten, the second time was right after he lost his mother, the last time was when his boss Vincent ordered to meet up at this Catholic church.

Chicago sat at the back of the church listening at the hymns while watching the statue of Jesus Christ. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he knew that Nicholas' death was already captured by the reporters which meant the last payment of his hit has been paid to him. He sank lower on the bench as he allowed the gospel hymns to penetrate through his ears and settle in his stomach because a man like Chicago had no heart!

When midnight strike, Chicago spoke to a few women and the bishop. After a few outstretched conversations Chicago pledged a donation of two thousand dollars and then left. He didn't donate to seek redemption, Chicago was far gone to even be redeemed. He donated because he sometimes does not know what to do with all the money he has. His mother would have been proud if she was still alive. From starving to not knowing what to do with the money. Chicago has accomplished a lot and he knew it too.

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