The War Part Three

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Sitting at the table, she looked around at the many faces, many of them she didn't know; she saw them in a photo. She watched many of them wipe their tears. She felt Sirius's grip tighten as if she was going to disappear, Remus's chest was heaving, and his eyes were closed.

Remus kneeled next to her, putting her face on her lap; Hermione smiled as she brushed a hand through his hair.
" save cub, my cub you save," she could hear the growl in his voice. She knew he was fighting moony.

"Moony, look at me," she spoke gently. "I would always protect you and our family. That even includes Padfoot, even when he is annoying." she heard Moony chuckle nodding his head
Sirius was pouting.

"Right shall we carry on? There isn't much left; I don't think. "

Sitting back down. Hermione played the memory once again as she played the rest of the memory.

They watched as the children, all in robes, marched into the great hall.
Snape is standing with the Carrow Twins standing behide. They watched how Harry jumped out-pulling his wand and aiming at Snape and Snape at him and the Order member behide him at the Great Hall doors.

They watched as McGonagall fought; Snape hit the spells towards the Carrow Twins, and he flew out of the hall, taking the Twin's wands with him.

The memory skipped as the three ran out of the castle, fighting off all sorts of creatures that came their way-stopping as they saw hundreds of Dementors coming their way.

The table sat in shock as they watched Aberforth Dumbledore raise his wand and send off a corporal Patronus so big that it sent back all of the Dementors.

The three ran down to the bit house; they ducked and hit the windows as they listened to Voldemort talking with Snape.

The three ran down to the bit house; they ducked and hit the windows as they listened to Voldemort talking with Snape

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They watched as the three rushed inside; there, lying against the window, blood pouring out of his neck, was Snape. Harry and Hermione rush over, Harry placing his hands on the wound as Hermione grabs her bags and begins to run stuff into the injury and his mouth. Snape shook his head slowly, pointing to his tears.

The Memory Skip.

Hermione and Harry are both in Dumbledore's office, as they watch Snape's memories which now the whole table watches. They watched as Snape was bullied; they watched as Snape was on his knees, begging Dumbeldore to save Lily, to keep them all safe, to save James, Harry and Lily, to hide them. They watch as Snape makes an unbreakable vow with Dumbeldore to serve him.

Hermione paused the memory, looking round at the table; she felt Harry move in her lap; she thought of him cuddling into her and felt Sirius's hand in her lap.
"This is where it gets a lot worse. Mr and Mrs Weasley, you may want to leave the room for the next part. "
Molly holds her Husbands' hand shaking her head in the negative, "no, we shall stay."

Hermione nodded, then looked at Remus. "Can you move to the other side? Of me, please "Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

Remus sat next to the other she gave Harry over to Lily, smiling at the pair. She held Sirius and Remus's hands, then played the memory again.

The table watched as the memory changed to The battle paused so people could graze and move the dead. Walking into the Great Hall, the table watch ed as Ron stepped toward his family; there, lying on the floor, not moving, was Fred Weasley. His twin brother was on his knees, crying into his chest. His parents held each other as they cried.
The table heard Molly let out a cry. As she turned away, burning her face into Arthurs's shoulder.

Hermione tightened her grip on both men's hands as she watched herself stop looking down there, laying next to one another, still holding hands where Remus and Tonks were. They watched as Memory Hermione broke down in tears as he fell to her knees, crawling in between the pair, and she cried into Remus's chest and they into Tonks.

The memory changed once again; everyone was in the courtyard as they watched Harry being carried by Hagrid; the table watched as Hermione screamed out and tried to run forward but was stopped by Arthur Weasley as he held her close. They watched as Bellatrix laughed and jumped around. Neville stepped forward, saying his speech.

The memory changed once again; they watched as Molly Weasley fought and killed Bellatrix, and they watched as other students fought did by side. Slytherns and Gryinffodors fighting side by side.

Kreacher is charging with the house elves of Hogwarts; they listen as he shouts out. "Fight, fight for my master, the defender of the house elves! Fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus! Fight!"

Hermione could feel Sirius's hand tighten in hers as he watched Kreacher fight in the name of his younger brother.

The table sat in shock and horror as they watched the battle; some watched themselves, and their friends fight. Memory Hermoine looked over, seeing Harry in mid-battle with Voldemort; they watched as the pair dropped the spell, both panting out of breath. Hermione watched as a death eater hit his leg. Horror filled their faces as Harry fell to his knees when Voldemort took his chance firing the kill curse his way.
Lily lets out a cry as she watches Harry fall to his knees.

Memory Hermione ran towards Harry jumping in front of the curse. That was when the memory went black and stopped.

The Order Members' faces were horrified as they all looked down at Mia (Hermione), whose eyes were filled with tears. But she was too busy hugging Remus holding him close, trying to calm her wolf, the full moon was tomorrow night. Sirius knelt next to them, stocking her back as she whimpered into Remus's neck. Lily and James walked over.
"Mia darling", Lily's gentle voice spoke to her.

Looking up, she saw Lily holding Harry gently, passing him to her. Mia (Hermione) had him close, taking in his scent as she rubbed her head against Remus's chest.

McGonagall was the first to speak to the room.
"I believe we all need some time after all of that. We shall keep looking for the next Horcrux. We shall destroy it as soon as we can."

The rest left, and Dumbledore tried to go to Mia (Hermione), but McGonagall stopped him before trying.

Remus carried Hermione as they left; once again, Hermione, Remus and Sirius shared a bed as the men held Hermione close, protecting her the best they could. Remus is her big brother. Sirius was the man who started to fall in love with her.

Hey, I hope you are enjoying it so far. Sorry for the slight changes. I am changing the way I am right. Trying new things, like Hermione, will be referred to as Mia now.
I am trying with spelling and grammar etc. Sorry if there are still mistakes.

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