Frist and Second Year

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The memory starts with Harry in his small broom closet. Rubbing his eyes as he was awoken by his abut shouting about him making breakfast
Hermione looked over at Lily who look like she could kill her sister, she was also holding Harry as close as possible, while James, Sirus and Remus were more shocked. They watched as Harry set free the snake. Watching as his Uncle and Aunt take away his Letters
Watching them run and hide at the letter.
The memory skipped to Hagrid and Harry at Digoan Alley
"You're a Wizard Harry and great one at that"
"Wow really "
Lilly had tears in her eyes as she look over to Hagrid who was also crying as he watched. They watched as Harry stood up for Hagrid.
"Aww Mr Potter I was wondering when I was going to see you here"
They watch Harry got throw wand after wand suddenly. One final works
"It's funny that wand would work for you Mr Potter as that wand has a brother and the one who owns that wand is the one that killed your parents, he did great things terrible but great".
Everyone's faces were shocked as Harry and his wand was connected to Voldemort's very own wand.
" yes they are connected but let's carry on". Harry walks outside and sees Hagrid smile and walks over.

"Appy Birthday Arry," Hagrid says handing him a Owl that they saw Harry looking. Harry's face lights up as he quickly hugs Hagrid thanking him.
"That was Harry very first birthday gift. It meant the world to him Hagrid"
Hagrid was now in tears rolling down his face nodding his head sniffling.

The memory moves on.

"Fred, you next," Molly said.
"I'm not Fred, I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?
"Can't you tell I'm George?"
"Sorry, George, Dear."
"Only joking, I am Fred."
They chuckled. Further smiled at them, shaking his head slightly
'So they don't grow out of that then' Molly said laughing slightly. Hermione shook her head No.
"Can't stay long, mother," Percy said. "I'm upfront; the prefects have got two compartments to themselves.
They chuckled and the memory changed. They watched as Hermione made her way through looking for a compartment to sit in.

" Hi am Hermione can I join you"
A Boy with black hair looked up and smiled nodding his head quickly
"Yes of course am Neville Longbottom, nice to meet you".
Alice and Frank gasped as they saw their son. Smiling as they watched him and Hermione look for his toad.
The memory moved on skipping to the opening feast. They watched as Hermione, Harry and Ron got sorted into Gryffindor.

Again the memory moving on.
"It's Wingardium Leviosa, not Leviosar. Honestly, she's such a nightmare.
No wonder she hasn't got any friends," an eleven-year-old Ronald Weasley spoke.
They watched as Hermione barged past them with her head down.
"Look at all that hair," Sirius commented amazed. Hermione leaned over and punched him in the arm and Lily slapped the other arm, Remus and James chuckled whilst Sirius scowled at them both.
"I think she heard you," Harry said and Ron shrugged.
At dinner no sign of Hermione.

Quirrell fainted and panic ensured. Dumbledore quieted everyone and
sent them on their way. Before they knew it Harry and Ron were running into the girl's bathroom and Hermione was screaming as a sink had collapsed on her leg and a troll was advancing on her with its club in hand. The troll swung its club at them. Harry jumped and caught the club and somehow landed on the troll's shoulders, clinging on for dear life. His wand was shoved up the troll's nose and when he went to swing the club again Ron pointed
his wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa," he called and the club hung in the air before it dropped and hit the troll on its head. The troll fell forward and Harry rolled off and landed on his back. Ron helped him stand up and then they went to Hermione.
The teachers came running in and asked what happened and Hermione took the Blame for it.

Harry's first match as a seeker, his broom going crazy, "it's Snape look he's saying something" Hermione running off and setting his robes on fire, Harry catching the snitch in his mouth.
'Yeah am sorry about that ' she said looking at Snape who was tight-lipped and rolled his eye's while the rest were laughing at what happened.
"I told you it was a trap!" Hermione said. "But you just couldn't back down, could you?"
"It was Malfoy," Ron argued
"Was it?" She said sarcastically.
"Next time I'll listen to you," Harry said.
"No, you won't," Hermione muttered and when they reached a door she cast an Unlocking Charm and they jumped inside the room and shut the door .behind them It wasn't long before they noticed the three-headed dog in the room and Hermione and Harry both slapped a hand over Ron's mouth to stop him from screaming.

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