15~ Chase you down till you love me

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~Chase you down till you love me~

🃏Ship- Ranpoe

🎴Summary: Ranpo has been receiving lots of love letters and packages from a mysterious secret admire. Although his coworker seems to be worried, Ranpo is actually found of the fact that someone is this obsessed with him.

🀄️Contains; Stalking, Smut, Cursing, and a neglected raccoon (not really).

📝Word count • 2400 •


'To my dear Ranpo~
I sure do hope you are having an amazing day. I understand that case you solved yesterday must have been tiring so make sure you get lots of rest. When you dream I hope you think of me as I think of you. The way you smile when you complete a job, they way your hair moves in the peaceful wind, all of you is what draws me in my sweet detective~
I will be delivering you a new box's of sweets, guessing you already finish the one I sent yesterday~ I just hope your happy and till next time my amazing Ranpo

Love your secret admire'

Yosano started at the note wide eyed. She snapped her head towards the brown haired detective and was quick to smack the cookie he had in his hands to the floor.

"Are you crazy that can be poison!"

"Hey my cookie!" Ranpo pouted.
"It wasn't poison Akiko!"

"Who is this freak anyways?"

Currently, Ranpo was sitting in his desk with a new but opened box of cookies he found on his doorstep. This wasn't new, for the past two months Ranpo had begun to get strange love letters along with lots of snacks delivered right to his door. At first he was skeptical, Yosano still being skeptical to this day, but after deducting the food and making sure it was safe to eat, Ranpo just began to happily accept the free food. Although Yosano still wasn't convinced this was a good idea.

"Don't know and don't care~"
"All that matters is I no longer have to spent a dime out of my pockets to get food!"

"Yeah but doesn't this creep you out?"
"Have you tried using your ability to find out who this person is?"
"They seems to know a lot about you"

Yosano looked at the note Ranpo received and cringed.

"Ugh like I said Akiko it's fine~"
"I know they're not willing to harm me so~"

Yosano could only roll her eyes.
"Fine but don't say I didn't tell you so when we suddenly find a missing case file for you... or worse"

"You're over exaggerating!"

Yosano laughed. They continued their day like normal up until it was time to clock out.

Ranpo made his way home expecting to find a letter like every night, he would usually come home to a letter and wake up to a box of snacks or food. It was pretty much routine at this point.

That's why...

That's why Ranpo stoped in his tracks when he didn't see a letter in its usual spot.

'Where's my letter?'

Ranpo could only sigh, feeling a little sad he didn't get a letter, not because of the letter itself but more at the thought of not waking up to a package.

He made his way to the door but then froze at the sound of glass breaking from inside his apartment.

'Did they break into my house?'
'N-no they wouldn't...'

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