She needed to arrange a meeting with both Grey and Cleia alone, as they would have been the only people that would have learned from her lips about the danger they were bound to face.

Grey still had the files of Mary Clark on him, while Cleia had received word to investigate in the Underworld on her account.

A knock came from the door, making both ladies turn around without missing a beat.

"Lady Rosalynde, a package has been delivered to your office," the feeble voice of a young maid filled the room, making Pharah shoot an inquisitive look towards Rosalynde, who'd narrowed her eyes as soon as the young maiden had finished her phrase.

She hadn't ordered anything, and if a package had been let through the palace surveillance then that could have been a severe breach in the security system she'd implemented a few weeks back.

"I'll be right back," Rosalynde assured her master, who'd gotten up from her seat to go with her, only to be stopped by the other Apostle's arm which blocked her way.

"No need, even the walls and keyholes have eyes and ears. If people saw that you disregarded your duties as apparent heir to help your private attendant with even the most banal of things your brother could use it against you," Ever since Pharah had won over her brother in the line of succession all duties related to paperwork had gone straight to her, leaving the other free to do whatever he wanted.

He was free to roam around at night, he was free to do nearly whatever he wanted, while Pharah now was kept under tight surveillance to avoid any types of unfortunate accidents to happen that would drag her into the midst of danger.

She cared too much when she wanted, Pharah had become an anchor to keep her sanity in check, that was why she'd decided to become her personal attendant - to make sure nothing ever happened to her under her careful watch.

Curtseying to the apparent heir, the hems of Rosalynde's white dress touched the floor, left heel behind the right one as she then left the room with the young maid guarding her back.

But as soon as she entered her office room and kicked the door shut with the end of her heel, she just knew something was going to go wrong.

"Come out," she said, gun out and off with the safe.

A thundering applause came from behind a armeast facing the windows. Making her narrow her eyes at the gesture.

"I wonder what are you going to do with that, shoot a member of the Imperial Family? Even if my sister dotes on you you still would be hanged for murder," Rosalynde knew he was coming back today, but her sources had told her he would have been back just before dinner, and it was barely midday.

"You're highness, to what do I owe this unpleasant surprise?" Rosalynde asked as she walked up to him.

"What? No, shouldn't you still be on the outskirts for the land inspection? You disappoint me, Steel." All that the IX Apostle gave in reply was a roll of eyes before bowing her head in obvious sign of greeting.

"Very well your Imperial highness, why aren't you inspecting the outskirts of Lowen?" She replied dryly.

Pheron got up from his seat laughing, his expensive clothes seemed to glow for the number of gems on his sleeves.

"I seemed to have missed a lot of things in my absence," he replied with disdain.

"Would you like something if you're going to stay here?" She seemed to ignore his words, taking out a bell from her drawer, stroking it with her thumb before ringing it two times.

A knock resounded on the door right after. "Come in," she replied, the door then opening with the same maid from before coming in with a set of pastries on a plate.

Oath of Steelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें