Chapter 10

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Ever since that day, Cale appreciated the moment he spends with Rok Soo more than ever.

He loves doing even the most mundane things when he's with Kim Rok Soo. He realised that he hasn't been keeping up his persona act but he didn't care anymore.

Why should he when he found the light in his life?

If he hadn't met Rok Soo that day, Cale would probably still be in distraught on what to do later in life as he has no goals in life. He helped Basen by acting trash, then what?


Rok Soo made Cale realise that he could protect Basen without hurting himself or the people around him that truly cares about him. His father even apologises after being confronted by Rok Soo the other day and he accepted the apology. He still couldn't forgive him yet though. Probably not in the near future but he would allow them to try and fix their strained relationship.

Speaking of relationship, who would've thought that Rok Soo is someone who would basically announce his lover to the world.

How could he forget the way that the morning after, at breakfast he just announce it like it was nothing?

"Dad, meet Cale."

"Yes son, I knew of him. You introduced him yesterday."

"No, from now on, he's my lover, Cale."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Sherrit and Eruhaben both screamed at the same time.

Ah.. Poor Eruhaben-nim who spit out his drink after Rok Soo announced that.

Rok Soo even announce it to Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk who teased him for it.

"Ah~ who would've thought that this punk that won't call me hyung is the one who'll get a lover first."

"Wait Jung Soo-ya, isn't your uncle the one who got together first?"

"Eh, uncle Han doesn't count. Rosalyn and him always had eyes for each other since they were kids, they're just dumbasses."

"Anyway, Cale. Take care of our rookie well would you?"

"Soo Hyuk hyung, I'm no longer a rookie. We even finished the class so that doesn't apply anymore."

"Once a rookie, always a rookie~"

"Then how come this rookie got a lover before you, you incompetent man."

"Ugh Hyung look at him! Just because he got a lover he's starting to get cocky! Just wait until I-"

"Cale. Were you waiting for me?" Rok Soo said deciding to appear out of nowhere.

"Who else? C'mon." Cale turned away not before holding Rok Soo's hand heading toward the car waiting for them.

Truthfully speaking, the distance between the school and Rok Soo's house isn't that far so he normally just walked to school. Recently though, Cale wanted to spend more time with him so he offered Rok Soo to just ride the car with him.

Rok Soo, not missing the chance to slack obviously agreed.

Just before Rok Soo got off the car, Cale called out to him.



"This weekend.. Let's go on a date! For the whole day, just the two of us."

"Sure. Dodam, Raon say bye to Cale."

"Goodbye kind human!"

"See you Sunday eh, Cale hyung? I'mma tell Grandpa."

"Dodam, come back here you rascal!"

Welp, the two of them already went back inside, it seems. What an energetic family.

On the way back home, they passed by a specific store Cale was interested in.

"Hillsman. Park the car, I'm going out a bit to buy something." Cale commanded which Hillsman simply followed.

"...I see. Then I shall wait here until the time you return." Hillsman simply said seeing where Cale was heading to.


Rok Soo was panicking for a bit. What should he wear tomorrow? Cale already told him to wear a smart casual outfit since they'll be eating dinner at a restaurant but what even is a smart casual outfit?!

Knock knock

"Hey kiddo, dinner's rea...dy.. What are you doing?"

Eruhaben looked around seeing the pile of clothes on the bed making him want to sigh.

"Aigoo.. What are you searching for to the point your clothes are all on the bed. You aren't normally this messy." Eruhaben decided to went up behind Rok Soo to help find whatever he was searching for.

"No... It's just, I don't have an idea what to wear for tomorrow."

"Why not just wear your black turtleneck sweater™ that you always wear whenever you have to go out?" Eruhaben suggested not seeing what the fuss is about.

It's Cale, he'll like him even if he wear ragged clothing, not that he or Sher would allow that though.

"That was my go-to outfit,I wanted this one to be... Special." Rok Soo admitted sheepishly.

"Never would've thought that you were one of those types. How about this one?"

"Too formal.."


"Too casual.."

"Then how about this?"

"Yeah, that one seems good!" Rok Soo was finally satisfied to find what to wear for the date tomorrow.

"Hey, what's taking so long to go downstairs to eat dinner huh?! We've already finished eating because waiting for you guys are taking way too long!" A shout was heard from downstairs.


Both of them forgot that they were supposed to go down for dinner, not search for clothes.

One unspoken rule in the house is to never make Sherrit truly angry. On normal occasion, she is a happy and cheerful person but once she gets mad she turns into a whole different person more vicious than a serial killer.

Looking at each other and speaking through eye contact, they both agreed that there's no any other way. They have to escape, NOW. In order to escape to begin with, they sealed the door  just so it could delay their doom before she broke in.

Once the window was open,Eruhaben carried Rok Soo and made their way toward the window for an escape.

As soon as they jumped, a vicious Sherrit entered the room, not before breaking it down searching for her dad and brother's whereabout.

She look out the window to see her dad carrying Rok Soo going to who knows where. If later that night the two of them got scolded for so long their ears might just bleed, that's only for them to know.

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