Chapter 17

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"'s raining. It was so bright not long ago too."

Cale who looked out the window noted.

Ever since Rok Soo stayed in the hospital over a year ago, classroom had felt so empty and school felt so boring to him.

At the very least, if Rok Soo were here he could stare at Rok Soo sleeping or pass notes to him. He even couldn't do that anymore since he doesn't really have any other friends.

He hasn't been acting up since school started however his classmates seems a bit unnerved by him which was why they haven't approached him. It really wasn't a big deal since he doesn't really care about them, he only cared about Rok Soo and the people he considers his family.

After the news he got married to Rok Soo somehow leaked out, they crowded and bombarded him with questions.Cale was glad he never really tried to make friends with them since these people asked some disgusting question in his opinion.

How dare they asked such insensitive and frankly disgusting question to him.

"Between the two of you and Kim Rok Soo, whose bottom and whose top?"

"Who fucks who?"

"He's aiming for your money dude. It's better if you give me the money instead if you'll settle for such a boring guy like Kim. Kekeke"

"Did he sell himself to you for money?"

"Bet he fucks you. Lmao"

He remembered screaming at the person who asked those stupid questions causing them not to approach him ever since.

Snapping out of his thought, he could feel his phone vibrating signaling an incoming call. Excusing himself, he went out to answer the call even when the teacher doesn't allow him since Rok Soo is calling him.Rok Soo would always be his top priority no matter what.

When he picked it up, Choi Jung Soo's voice was heard. His voice seems to be hoarse from crying and that is not a good sign for him. Dread filling him, he listened to what Choi Jung Soo has to say.

"Cale.. Rok Soo is..."

The grip on his phone weakened causing to fell to the floor. He dashed out of the school ignoring the confused and baffled looks of the ones who were at the hallway. He knew it was raining heavily outside but he couldn't care less right now.

He couldn't feel the cold and his mind going haywire he couldn't think straight. All that matters is Rok Soo.

His Rok Soo.

The man who taught him everything he knew. The man who never cared about the rumours surrounding him. The man who taught him how to cook it could be on par with Beacrox's cooking. The man who has the nicest smile he has ever seen.The man who he fell in love with. The man who showed his affection with his action but won't hesitate to say it properly when the time calls for it. The man who he proposed to. The man who he was married to. His husband. His Rok Soo.

Is on his death bed.

Forcing legs to move even faster than they already are, he arrived at the hospital. Despite looking like a drenched rat he speed through the stairs when he saw Jung Soo, Soo Hyuk, Sherrit-nim and Olienne-nim sitting on a chair consoling one another.

Not one person there has dry eyes as they were all crying their eyes out. Once they noticed him,  Sherrit ushered him to go inside the ward to say his farewells. She said that the doctor managed to stabilise him but not for long. It'll last only for an hour at most so they're them to bid farewells now while he is still stable.

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